At each players wormholes there are federation torpedo turrets and 3 starfleet commands(fully crewed) blocking the way, they are equiped with tachyon detection so cloaking is ineffective. North west of your base near the line of asteroids is an abandoned vulcan research institute which has level 3 weapons pre-researched, along with deralict uss enterprise and uss incursion. Each institute is protected by 10 pulse cannons. The two races are borg and federation.
This is my first assualt map, at each players wormholes there is federation torpedo turrets and
3 starfleet commands(fully crewed) blocking the way, they are euqiped with tachiyon detection so cloaking
is ineffective. North west of ur base near the line of asteroids is an abandoned vulcan research
institute which has level 3 weapons pre-researched, along with derlict uss enterprise and uss incursion.
Each institute is protected by 10 pulse cannons. The two races are borg and federation.
To play:
1. Beam all crew from construction ships to starbase and recrew starbase.
2. Once you have 650-1000 crew decommision starbase and build orbital processing facility on class D
planet(south of your base) and build a mining station to gather dilithium.
3. once you have the necessary resources rebuild starbase and then the game is pretty much normal
from there on.
Install Instructions:
1. Download the file
2. Extract the file into your .bzn folder in armada 2 directory
3. Enjoy my assault
- in the middle is 2 derelict construction ships of each race(1 for you and your partner)
- There is 1 borg and 1 federation for each side.
- There are 7 dilithium moons for each player.
I give permission for this map to be redistrubted by the other players in the armada 2 community if they
choose to do so.
My contact is:
Version | v2.0 | Author | [ADF]Cmd-ssjdon | Website | |
Downloads | 314 | Size | 55.41 KB | Created | 2005-11-25 |