Ain't What It Seems Ain't What It Seems

(5 votes)
thunderfoot006, 2009-06-22

Hello! Thank you for downloading my map! This is my second map. I have become interested in making A2 maps lately because I have pretty much played all the ones available that I like. This map has something I thought was missing from A2. Namely, why do people expect all maps have certain things? Why do people expect they will always have these things? Why do people expect these things will always act/behave the same way? Hence, the name of the map. I haven t tried to overdo the map, just wanted to try out some new ideas.


The back story for this map is non-existent. I could not think of a good one and I didn t want to bore you with something silly


Before I go any further, I would like to point out I credited the wrong person with giving me the idea behind my first map, Sao Magnifico.
The pictures upon which the first map was based were actually done by Fallen Graces.
I apologize sincerely to him for such a shameful mistake upon my part.
FG, I don t know yet how I will make this up to you, but I will.

Ain t What It Seems
by thunderfoot006


Hello! Thank you for downloading my map! This is my second map. I have become interested in making A2 maps lately because I have pretty much played all the ones available that I like. This map has something I thought was missing from A2. Namely, why do people expect all maps have certain things? Why do people expect they will always have these things? Why do people expect these things will always act/behave the same way? Hence, the name of the map. I haven t tried to overdo the map, just wanted to try out some new ideas.


Before I go any further, I would like to point out I credited the wrong person with giving me the idea behind my first map, Sao Magnifico.
The pictures upon which the first map was based were actually done by Fallen Graces.
I apologize sincerely to him for such a shameful mistake upon my part.
FG, I don t know yet how I will make this up to you, but I will.

CREDITS Everyone you need to know about so you know whom to blame!

Gene Roddenberry - for giving us such a cool place to play.
Chiletrek - for never being so busy he cannot answer a question or ten. Also for being an outstanding role model to follow.
thunderfoot006(me) - for everything in here. This time, I cannot hide behind anyone else, lol.
YOU, for downloading this mod.


1) A ReadMe, which of course no one will bother reading.
2) Installation Instructions. These are provided for you to read AFTER you place this material ingame.
They will allow you to quickly and precisely pin point any errors you made during installation and tell you how to repair them.
3) A complete set of files for the Ain t What It Seems map.


The back story for this map is non-existent. I could not think of a good one and I didn t want to bore you with something silly


A patch which contains everything needed to the four player map Ain t What It Seems. It is set up for multiplayer, I think. but since I have not tested it in Multi, I am unsure.


Tested for compatability with either FLOPs or PP 1.2.5. My laptop cannot play FLOPs so I saw no sense in trying to test this patch with these. I cannot answer ANY questions concerning this patch and FLOPs or PP 1.2.5 because I cannot use them together. I make mods for ST:A2 with the 1.1 Patch applied because I think this version of the game is still played or modded most often. If you want to try this patch with FLOPs or PP1.2.5 you do so with the prior understanding that I cannot help you with, nor be held accountable or responsible for, any problems which arise from combining or using this patch with either of them.

If the above statements mean you now dislike this mod, I am okay with this. I made this mod for me in the first place.


This patch has not been tested for compatability with either PP1.2.5 or FLOPs. My laptop cannot play FLOPs so I saw little sense in checking this. I have Yacuzza s Tactical Assault and Achilles Art of War installed. I haven t yet run across any problems with either of these but I did not really push either install to the limits of the game engine either.

This patch has been tested only against Instant Action vs. my laptop. I do not know if it will work in online Multiplayer. I accept no responsibility for your computer, disc, or application. This patch was checked for viruses and completeness before upload. If it does not work correctly the first time, please go back and read the Installation Instructions. Then, install the mod again AFTER you read the Installation Instructions.


Since this is all my own work. My usual free usage with credit policy can apply. As long as you tell others who this came from, you can use it anyway you like.


Any doubts, questions or suggestions, please contact thunderfoot006 from here at A2 Files via PM.
All of the people mentioned by name herein are blameless for anything which may be wrong with this mod.
All of the mistakes are mine alone.

Compliments? Well, now! I ll respond promptly to your kind words.

Complaints? Please contact thunderfoot006's Customer Service representative ASAP. Customer Service will answer your complaints in a friendly, profess...
Oh, wait. I just remembered I do not HAVE a Customer Service Rep. Forgot to hire one this week.


Copyright notices: Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
This patch is released for entertainment purposes only. No profit or commercial usage is intended or allowed.

Version  4 player map  Author  thunderfoot006  Website   
Downloads  116  Size  29.72 KB  Created  2009-06-22 



#1 thunderfoot007 2009-06-22 19:44
I have a better version of this which I was going to send it tomorrow. I found some flaws which I've fixed, hopefully. My internet connection cutout before the upload was confirmed so I am surprised to see this here. and I already know, no screenies.
#2 FallenGraces 2009-06-22 20:00
Man its fine don't worry we're all human...except admins think they got a lil borg in 'em :P looking fowrad to playing the 1.1 version so i'll just wait it out
#3 Doom369 2009-06-23 04:32
@#2 Agreed. I'm sure it's good.

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