8472 Hell 8472 Hell

(8 votes)
Electro Blade, 2002-06-07

This is a map with the bases situated on the top and bottom, and there are lots of 8472 ships in the middle that will attack you if you go near them.
Version    Author  Electro Blade  Website   
Downloads  530  Size  46.01 KB  Created  2002-06-07 



#1 Dark_Force 2003-03-16 03:47
That's a lot of ships
#2 TACTICAL_CUBE_315 2003-12-24 03:30
this map has a level 12 theat to the collective!
#3 the_predator 2006-03-29 09:17
Nice map bit hard to get acrossed but noting a good olfation transwarpgate cant handle if that dont work Time for the Bigest battle in the galaxy lmao
#4 The_great_assimilator 2006-08-13 16:09
to do list:

go to grocery store

go for a stroll around the park

protect entire galaxy by fighting an epic battle that's result will determine the fait of the entire universe.

same old same old.

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