4Midsuprise 4Midsuprise

(7 votes)
Mike74656, 2002-08-08

This is a nice map for long matches, and with a special suprise in the middle Wink

Title: 4Midsurprise
Date: 08/08/02
Author: Mike74656

To install this map go to your armada2 root directory and
paste in this folder(BZN) and the map will be put in your game


Version    Author  Mike74656  Website   
Downloads  1,037  Size  59.39 KB  Created  2002-08-08 



#1 TACTICAL_CUBE_315 2003-12-24 03:29
any suprize for the collective will be assimilated or destroyed bye the way resistance is futile! :borg: :borg: :borg:

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