The Appature The Appature

(1 vote)
James Poole, 2003-08-19

I commend this author for putting ALLOT of work, time, and thought into this map. Good Job Smile

This is kind of a mission map; ive included objectives that make the map easier to understand, but you dont actually have
to use them. You can just treat it like an assault map if you like but i like to complete the objectives as it gives the map some
meaning. This is the first in a series of 5 maps i am making all based on the same storyline that includes sp...I almost
told you there! Well you will find out what the story line is by playing it!I think this map is quite good if i dont
say so myself but if you dont please give me feedback on why! All feedback will be appreciated!

Just unzip all the files to a temporary folder; move the objectives document to wherever you will be able to access it
easily like my documents. Then transfer all the other files into the 'bzn' folder in the armada main directory.

Version    Author  James Poole  Website   
Downloads  404  Size  43.73 KB  Created  2003-08-19 



#1 CommanderClarke 2003-08-20 07:34
Note to file uploader: Add me to MSN and I can talk you through removing the other file - - General Sparky

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