Romulans vs Federation by Fahres Romulans vs Federation by Fahres

(7 votes)
FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER, 2007-04-16

This is a two player map, that as the name suggests pits the federation against the Romulans. Because of the number of Nebulae I would personally recommend against attempting to play this map online as it is likely to lead to synch issues however its find for most people here that only play against the AI or on a LAN.
Version    Author  FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER  Website   
Downloads  141  Size  819.13 KB  Created  2007-04-16 



#11 1DVS_MoFo 2007-04-18 19:30
I'm not getting mad at anything FaherS. I'm just pointing out the double standard! It's ok for people to pick appart and POTD for the smallest little thing, yet i'm not allowed to give my point of view on a map? I give you props for takeing the time to think up and put together a map, but I can and will voice my oponion on it. I like the idea behind the map but why not a few less colors? Give the map some symmetry?
#12 Freyr 2007-04-19 13:42
Actually it is not "ok" to pick POTD's apart as anybody that has been here for any amount of time will know well. We try to allow people reasonable freedom to comment however there are limits.

If you have constructive criticism then its fine. Saying words to the effect of "this sucks, don't bother" is not ok and does have a negative effect on this site and community. As Admiral Ryan pointed out we don't come here to take abuse from people.

Your "opinion" was:-
Are you kidding me!? Whats with all the nebulas? Too much going on in such a small place. Horrible map!

In my opinion that was a rant rather than a reasonable comment, and your then just trying to justify it in later comments. If you don't like it don't download it.

Just because you don't see us edit comments or ban people that often doesn't mean we don't or won't do it should we have the need to.
#13 1DVS_MoFo 2007-04-19 20:39
HAHA..your going to threaten to ban me? OH please don't!! I couldn't stand getting baned from a site about a 6 year old game! You call a 4 sentence statement a rant? That is no where near "a bombastic extravagant speech"! And where in any of my comments on this thread have i said: " this sucks, don't bother"?? I know I don't have to d/l this map, or any other for that matter. I never attacked FaherS personaly, I just displayed my distaste of this map. And as I have said before: If you can't take someone giving there opinion on your map then don't submit it.... Now call this a rant if you want, It's more of a rant than my orginal comment!!!
#14 Freyr 2007-04-19 22:40
Threaten, no.

Do it, yes.

You now have a one month comment ban, hopefully this time will give you time to consider you behavior.

Should you wish to discuss this further please feel free to email me.
#15 Adam_Atlantian 2007-04-21 00:02
Looks like an interesting challenge :-)

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