Planet Venus
It's not often we see a celestial body. This one's the planet Venus. Note that this will overwrite the stock Venus (not that you see it terribly often in-game unless you have some sort of Sol system / Alpha Quadrant map).
This includes the stock .SOD, with new textures --along with instructions in both English and German.
Not a bad first mod from scimifan!
Datei zum Planeten Venus:
Diese Datei enthält:
Texture-Dateien: PA_Venus1.tga, PA_Venus2.tga
SOD-Dateien: PB_Venus.SOD
odf-Dateien: PB_Venus.odf, ResourceVenus.odf
Alle tga-Dateien in Textures -> RGB kopieren
Alle SOD-Dateien in den SOD-Ordner
Dann PB_Venus.odf in: odf->Stations
und schließlich ResourceVenus.odf in: odf->other
Ganz zum Schluß kopiert folgende Zeile in die Datei ep_stand.odf: (Diese Datei findet Ihr im "Other-Ordner")
itemX = "PB_Venus"
Für X eine Zahl einsetzten.
PB_Venus.odf - von Mir
PB_Venus.SOD - Activision
PA_Venus1.tga, PA_Venus2.tga - ??? = Bitte melden, damit alles seine Richtigkeit hat
PS: Das ist mein erster Mod, also wenn ich irgendwas oder irgendwen vergessen haben sollte bitte "Bescheid" sagen ;)
Ich übernehme keine Haftung und/oder verantwortung für evtl. entstandene Schäden an Euren Rechnern.
Also viel Spass.
This File contains:
Texture-Files: PA_Venus1.tga, PA_Venus2.tga
SOD-Files: PB_Venus.SOD
odf-Files: PB_Venus.odf, ResourceVenus.odf
All tga-files in Textures -> RGB copy
All SOD-files in den SOD-Directory
Then PB_Venus.odf in: odf->Stations
and finally ResourceVenus.odf in: odf->other
Please copy this the following line to ep_stand.odf: (This File you'll find in"Other-Ordner")
itemX = "PB_Venus"
For X quote a number.
PB_Venus.odf - by me
PB_Venus.SOD - Activision
PA_Venus1.tga, PA_Venus2.tga - ??? = Please send a message, that everything is alright
PS: This is my first Mod, so if there is something missing tell me
I will not be responsible for eventually caused damage to you PC.
So have fun with it.
Version | 1.0 | Author | scimifan | Website | |
Downloads | 230 | Size | 216.55 KB | Created | 2008-11-25 |
This look very good! It is not often we can see new planets, even less from our own Demon class planet (well, it can be due to all it's environmental conditions