Moon Base Moon Base

(8 votes)
Rassilon & Quevey & Methos00, 2002-06-10

nice little trick to keep people from colonizing planets and it looks like a moon too

What this does is replace the orbital stations with a moon that can be armed with weapons{Note:the moon doesn\'t not mine}So if your going to use it you must mine latium to sell for metal.

textures go in the texture/rgb folder
sod in the sods folder
and the race orbital you want to add the station to in the odf/stations folder.

Depending on which race orbital you use,open the Gui_global sprite and add one of these in the list that matches the race you add it to.

b_gforbital gmoonbase 0 0 64 64

b_grorbital gmoonbase 0 0 64 64

b_gkorbital gmoonbase 0 0 64 64

b_gcorbital gmoonbase 0 0 64 64

add this in the same gui file just below the Species8472 race wireframes near the bottom of the file

moonbasew1 mbwireframe 0 0 48 48
moonbasew2 mbwireframe 48 0 48 48
moonbasew3 mbwireframe 96 0 48 48
moonbasew4 mbwireframe 144 0 48 48
moonbasew5 mbwireframe 192 0 48 48

Bugs:while you can build it fine in game you can place it in the map editor,but if you must you can just hit ctrl-A to go into the game and build it with a con ship then hit ctrl-A again to finish editing.

Sod&texture by Rassilon
basic odf by Quevey
button&wireframes by Methos00

Version    Author  Rassilon & Quevey & Methos00  Website   
Downloads  1,233  Size  128.23 KB  Created  2002-06-10 



#1 Guest 2002-09-20 10:36
I have found a neat little trick with the orbital bases. They can use weapons. Just make sure that the Mining weapon is the first weapon. saves some h*****el. I set up the federation with standard starbase as a mining base, and had the starfleet hq replace the old base. more real if you ask me. Now the federation has a base to guard their planets.

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