Apocalypse Planets Apocalypse Planets

(5 votes)
Transmission, 2005-05-16

A great set of textures here, get this file if you're as sick as me of seeing horrible stock planets Tongue





Original Model Design: Activision
Original Mesh: Activision

Textures: Unknown
Please State if Your Textures Are Begin Used...


A2files Nickname: SupaStarAsh
E-mail: ashs87uk@yahoo.co.uk


Version    Author  Transmission  Website   
Downloads  1,245  Size  3.34 MB  Created  2005-05-16 



#11 Doom369 2010-04-08 16:11
I would have to say this is the best stock texture replacement for the stock A2 planets.

almost all of them are "SEAMLESS" unlike the ones from Midnight Universe.
#12 timothyjmcneeley 2010-06-04 17:45
I'm looking for some stock planet retextures, please email me at . Thank you.

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