Given the current international context of instability and uncertainty, we were driven by the desire to utilize a digital game to cut across the complexity of public policy, so as to educate our young with the experience and deep learning to be appreciative, accountable and proactive citizens of a globalized world. Having developed a curriculum that synthesizes technology, philosophy and pedagogy, we began our iterations of exploration with Singapore public schools. Through our project, we...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Computer Games, Public Policy, Foreign Policy, Discovery Learning,...
The IADIS CELDA 2012 Conference intention was to address the main issues concerned with evolving learning processes and supporting pedagogies and applications in the digital age. There had been advances in both cognitive psychology and computing that have affected the educational arena. The convergence of these two disciplines is increasing at a fast pace and affecting academia and professional practice in many ways. Paradigms such as just-in-time learning, constructivism, student-centered...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Academic Achievement, Academic Persistence, Academic Support Services, Access to...
The "ISSS Annual Conference Proceedings" is a peer-reviewed professional publication published once a year following the annual conference. (Individual papers contain references.) [For the 2009 proceedings, see ED504973.]
Topics: ERIC Archive, Social Studies, Proverbs, Social Justice, Global Approach, Photography, Visual Aids,...
In this interdisciplinary curriculum unit, students examine and debate the relationship between China and Tibet. Students are expected to produce a mock television report covering topics related to the Tibet question, such as historical issues, the policies of the U.S., Chinese, and Tibetan governments, and human rights concerns. Students are provided with background information, detailed instructions, on-line resources, and reflection questions. The teacher's notes describe the unit's purpose,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Cooperative Learning, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, Grade 10, High Schools,...
This 10th grade social studies lesson and language arts interdisciplinary curriculum unit asks students to examine the 19th century debate over U.S. foreign policy. Students engage in role playing and debate the expansionist policy versus the anti-imperialist policy. The unit includes an activity description, background information, questions to guide research, online resources, and reflection questions. The teacher is provided with notes describing the unit's purpose, correlation to standards,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Cooperative Learning, Current Events, Debate, Foreign Policy, Grade 11, High Schools,...
This final report describes activities and accomplishments of a federally supported 3-year project at Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges (Pennsylvania) to develop three interdisciplinary "conference courses" in international affairs. The courses were offered in the political science department and were titled "North-South Cooperation for Third World Development"; "Human Rights in International Affairs"; and "Issues in the Inter-American Dialogue." The...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Civil Liberties, College Curriculum, College Instruction, Cooperative Learning,...
This is one unit of the series described in SO 000 378. It is necessary for the students to understand that the seeds of international cooperation must be cultivated, and that the methods of peaceful solution to world conflict must be constantly re-evaluated and supported. Several specific objectives are listed: 1) to understand the basic foreign policies and the philosophic foundations that have dominated the history of our relations with other nations; 2) to understand the role each...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Citizenship, Citizenship Responsibility, Cross Cultural Studies, Foreign Policy,...
In the first part of this document, teachers are urged to include United States' maritime history in planning social studies courses, units, and lessons. After a rationale for teaching the study of the sea, ways in which this topic can be used as content are briefly discussed. For example, units can be developed around the ship building industry, ports, fishing industry, and naval technology. American maritime heritage offers alternatives in instructional strategies whether product or process...
Topics: ERIC Archive, American Studies, Annotated Bibliographies, Course Descriptions, Curriculum...
Designed to supplement secondary United States history courses, this resource booklet provides materials on four dramatic incidents in American history. The four events under examination include the Boston Massacre, the Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt, the Republic Steel Strike of 1937, and the Berlin Airlift of 1948. Each unit contains social background to the event, a description of the events leading to the incident, a description of what happened, a summary of important outcomes of the incident,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Black History, Class Activities, Democracy, Foreign Policy, History Instruction,...
Continued communication about environmental education (EE) issues is a goal of UNESCO. This document consists of the four issues of the UNESCO-UNEP Environmental Education Newsletter published in 1993. Each issue contains a lead story, followed by regular sections that report EE activities in participating countries and regions, new EE centers, upcoming conferences, and EE news and publications. The lead stories for these four issues discuss: (1) teaching global change through EE; (2) a...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Conferences, Conservation (Environment), Curriculum Development, Environmental...