In this article, the author examines the construction of standardized testing not only as a cultural product, but as an imperialistic product. She conducts both a postcolonial discussion of the critique of testing and examines the ways that children of color are represented in the content. Recognizing first that the increased use of tests is part of the corporate strategy that has been used all over the world for quite some time, she reminds everyone that standardized testing fulfills...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Racial Bias, Testing, Standardized Tests, Content Analysis, Student Diversity, Power...
The IADIS CELDA 2012 Conference intention was to address the main issues concerned with evolving learning processes and supporting pedagogies and applications in the digital age. There had been advances in both cognitive psychology and computing that have affected the educational arena. The convergence of these two disciplines is increasing at a fast pace and affecting academia and professional practice in many ways. Paradigms such as just-in-time learning, constructivism, student-centered...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Academic Achievement, Academic Persistence, Academic Support Services, Access to...
This collection of abstracts is part of a continuing series providing information on recent doctoral dissertations. The 26 titles deal with the following topics: United States Presidential rhetoric; the public speaking of David O. McKay; rhetorical analyses of the crisis in Northern Ireland, of the Americanization of the Zionist movement from 1896 to 1918, and of Julia S. Tutwiler's speeches; enthymeme and metaphor in the rhetoric of the restoration movement in the United States, 1800 to 1830;...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Abstracts, Annotated Bibliographies, Communication (Thought Transfer), Content...
A survey was conducted to determine the extent and content of newspaper coverage of foreign policy issues in the 1980 United States presidential campaign. Fifty daily newspapers from every region of the country were selected randomly based on circulation. A list of 757 news events was divided into party and nonparty events, and the party events were then divided into campaign events and issue events. Issue events were in turn divided into economic, domestic, and foreign categories. After the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Content Analysis, Elections, Foreign Policy, Journalism, Media Research, News...
A study was conducted to determine whether the "New York Times" news coverage given India between 1973 and 1980 was consistent with trends in United States foreign policy toward India during those years. The period under study was characterized by four alternating periods of tense and relaxed relations between India and the United States. All items on India from 672 issues were coded in terms of slant or tone, topic, and prominence. The results indicated that changes in length and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Attitudes, Content Analysis, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, International...
This collection of abstracts is part of a continuing series providing information on recent doctoral dissertations. The 15 titles deal with the following topics: (1) the role of public discourse in the soil conservation movement from 1865 to 1935; (2) Dwight D. Eisenhower's public imagery of the Soviet Union and Communist China as presented in selected speeches and news conferences; (3) a computer-assisted rhetorical criticism of the messages of songwriter Harry F. Chapin; (4) Luis Munoz...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Annotated Bibliographies, Blacks, Content Analysis, Doctoral Dissertations, Females,...
Noting that 1977 public opinion polls concerning the new Panama Canal treaties were interpreted as showing increased support for the treaties, this paper contends that this interpretation was erroneous and that the major outcome of the extensive polling was misleading data. The paper is divided into three major analytical sections. The first section examines all poll results to establish a coherent picture of public opinion. The second section analyzes polling procedures and news releases, and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Content Analysis, Debate, Federal Legislation, Foreign Policy, Media Research, News...
This paper reviews political symbols aimed at the United States found in "Granma Weekly Review" and in Fidel Castro's speeches to see if they have changed in a predicted manner over an 18-year period and whether changes in symbol content of "Granma" and Castro's speeches correspond. The paper first explains the functions of the Cuban media, and then recounts the history and status of U.S.-Cuban relations. Next, the paper examines Castro's attitude toward the United States....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Aggression, Content Analysis, Diplomatic History, Discourse Analysis, Foreign...
A study examined the similarity or dissimilarity between the "New York Times'" editorial position on Iran and Iranian affairs and the official United States foreign policy towards Iran as reflected in the "Department of State Bulletin" for the period of 1968-1981. Each piece was categorized by major category and sub-category by three coders who provided a general evaluation and an evaluation using the scale "favorable,""unfavorable," or...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Comparative Analysis, Content Analysis, Editorials, Federal Government, Foreign...
A study was conducted to determine what, if any, effect President Jimmy Carter's human rights policy had on American newspaper coverage of Central and South America. The "New York Times,""Washington Post,""Christian Science Monitor," and "Los Angeles Times" during the years of 1975, 1977, 1978, and 1982 (when the policy had been replaced by the Reagan Administration) were used for the study. Each story was coded and then subjected to content analysis....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Civil Liberties, Content Analysis, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, Mass Media...
The International Media section of this collection of conference presentations contains the following 15 papers: "Testing the Interaction of the Third-Person Effect and Spiral of Silence in a Political Pressure Cooker: The Case of Hong Kong" (Lars Willnat); "The Use of Small State Variables in Research on Coverage of Foreign Policy: New Zealand and the ANZUS Crisis" (Lianne Fridriksson); "Romance Reading in the Third World: A Postcolonial Intersection of Gender,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Broadcast Industry, Content Analysis, Developing Nations, Ethnography, Foreign...