This article presents the author's vision of the future of education and focuses on instructional revolution during the 21st century when school leaders and the democracy were struggling with redesigning the educational system. The author states that the instructional revolution was itself propelled by the rapid-fire advancement in information and communications technology. The technology allowed teachers to transform education rather than just automate old ways of learning. At the beginning of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Change, Communications, Educational Trends, Futures (of Society),...
This article provides a brief review of recent developments and problems in adult training of the employed and unemployed in Bulgaria. It is presented in three parts: information on legislation and the institutions; information on current problems with vocational training of the employed and unemployed; and some future measures for improving training efficiency. The findings are based on data from the National Statistical Institute (NSI), a survey on vocational training of employed at...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Unemployment, Adult Vocational Education, Foreign Countries, Vocational Education,...
The Romanian system of initial vocational education and training is examined from three different points of view: its relevance to the labour market; its relationship with other parts of the national education system; and its evolution from the past to the future. While there are some major current mismatches between the school system and the labour market, the longer-term perspective seems reasonable as there is a surplus of highly qualified graduates which may prove useful if skill...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Vocational Education, Labor Force Development, Futures (of...
Disasters can be defined as catastrophic events that challenge the normal range of human coping ability. The technological/human-caused disaster, a classification of interest in this article, is attributable to human error or misjudgment. Lower socioeconomic status and race intersect in the heightened risk for technological/human-caused disasters among people of color. The experience of the Navajo with the uranium industry is argued to specifically be this type of a disaster with associated...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Hazardous Materials, Environmental Influences, Wastes, Technology, Quality of Life,...
In 1993 Wicklein conducted a study to determine the present and the future critical issues and problems facing the technology education (TE) profession. The Wicklein study questioned 25 panelists from 15 states and the District of Columbia to ascertain the issues and problems facing TE. However, in the Wicklein study, only seven of the panelists were classroom teachers. The present study investigates the severity of these problems in schools today as perceived by current Indiana high school and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Technology Education, Graduation Requirements, Teacher Attitudes, Secondary School...
In this ever-changing economy, young adults must remain flexible and adaptable as they transition from school to work and plan their future life courses. It is difficult for today's youth to choose training programs which will guarantee them secure, long-term employment. As the future grows less predictable, greater uncertainty and risk are involved in each career decision. This study concerns young adults enrolled in vocational education and training programs. The study sought to investigate...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Technical Institutes, Focus Groups, Young Adults, Education Work Relationship,...
What David J. Ferrero has called "the Hundred Year's War between "progressives" and "traditionalists"" continues unabated in the twenty-first century. Undoubtedly, current initiatives in public education favor those who support traditional approaches, yet many critics believe inflexible state tests are restricting teachers' flexibility in employing methods other than teacher-centered direct instruction. President Bush's proposal for extending mandatory testing...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Public Education, Teaching Methods, Progressive Education, Politics of Education,...
To provide an array of perspectives about policies needed to serve the growing number of children of immigrant families in the U.S., experts across various organizations and backgrounds were asked to respond to this question: "How should policymakers, advocates, stakeholders, and practitioners respond strategically and proactively to demographic change and increasing diversity in order to promote the healthy development, productivity, and well-being of American children into the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Child Health, Immigrants, Helping Relationship, Productivity, Well Being, Federal...
One of the most profound demographic shifts in the United States during the past two decades has been the dramatic increase in the Hispanic population, driven both by high birth rates relative to other racial and ethnic groups, and by immigration. The Hispanic population grew by 58% from 1990 to 2000, and in 2003 became the largest "minority" community in the country with a total of 38.8 million people. Today, about one in eight Americans is of Hispanic origin. Although 70% of Latinos...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Birth Rate, Hispanic Americans, Immigrants, Minority Groups, Immigration, Well Being,...
Character education, the instruction of core ethical values and cultivation of good conduct in the classroom, is increasingly being incorporated in public school curricula across the country. Over the last few years, schools in 48 states have introduced programs in character education as a means to nurture moral behavior among the youth. Public support for the addition of character education to school curricula is the strongest it has been since the 1950s, and it is bolstered by a variety of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Values Education, Standards, Educational Legislation, Federal Legislation,...
Contemporary Cyprus society is no longer homogeneous. Increasingly, Cypriots have contact with people of different cultures. The same happens in schools in Cyprus. In this article, through an ethnographic study, we investigate what happens today in Cyprus regarding the education of international and repatriated students. Analyzing the case study of a primary school class and two vignettes we try to clarify the status quo in the first part of the article. In the second part we attempt to answer...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Multicultural Education, Ethnography, Educational Change, Foreign Countries,...
To enter a future that waits to be born, educational leaders must continually assess their own ethical stance as well as that of the organizations they serve. Three frames form a model for examining the ethics of both individual and organization, with internal monologue and engaged conversation as the means for reflection and action.
Topics: ERIC Archive, Instructional Leadership, Moral Values, Models, Self Evaluation (Individuals),...
This study was designed to investigate the validity of the professional competencies developed by the Association of Worksite Health Promotion (AWHP) Professional Standards Task Force. The Task Force identified a competency framework that included business skills, program coordination skills, and human resource skills with corresponding sub-skills. The AWHP Task Force also recommended education degrees/certifications and desirable wellness/health promotion on-the-job-experience for program...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Health Education, Health Promotion, Health Personnel, Wellness, Sports Medicine,...
Higher education in America had its origins in New England more than 350 years ago. Since then, America's colleges and universities have been the incubators of great ideas, birthplaces of great inventions, and testing grounds of great individuals. For generations of New Englanders, a college education has provided the opportunity to fully embrace the American Dream. In recent decades, New England has led the nation with the highest percentage of citizens with bachelor's degrees. This has led to...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Economic Progress, Higher Education, Quality of Life, Education Work Relationship,...
To mark New England Board of Higher Education's (NEBHE) 50th anniversary year, "Connection" invited a small group of visionary commentators to submit short "statements" on the future of New England's economic and civic development, tomorrow's technologies and the changing shape of higher education. This article includes the following "statements": (1) In Search of New NEBHEs (Neal Peirce and Curtis Johnson); (2) Demography Is Still Destiny (Peter Francese); (3) New...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Demography, Futures (of Society), Economic Development, Human...
Midway through the first decade of the 21st century, New England innovation and creative capacity are being challenged by other regions of the nation and the world. New England needs foresight to understand what its emerging economic sectors need to thrive in a changing demography. The region is losing 20- to 34-year-olds and seeing a growing disparity in household incomes in every state. Some New Englanders are doing well; others are struggling. Some of its local governments offer the purest...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Taxes, Democracy, Demography, Economic Factors, Futures (of Society), Economic...
Who are New England's future college students? What is the shape of the region's future educated workforce? The answers to these questions may be found in part in the region's high schools where each year, 150,000 or so graduating seniors decide whether and where to go to college. It's a group most states do not consult often enough as they forge higher education policies. Vermont, however, has been doing so for a quarter-century, and New Hampshire is now following suit. In the spring of 2002,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Futures (of Society), Elementary Secondary Education, Academic...
It's no news that Australian academics, like Australian cricketers, are getting older (and perhaps tireder). But the exact dimensions of the sector's staffing crisis haven't been clear. Graham Hugo has been studying the figures in detail, and he suggests that the problem may in fact be worse than has been thought. Around a quarter of the academic workforce will retire in the next decade, and there's a "lost generation" where their replacements should be. (Contains 5 tables, 9 figures...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Demography, College Faculty, Aging (Individuals), Teacher Supply and Demand,...
This paper outlines the genesis, limitations, and future directions for the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) in the province of Ontario. Recent assessment reforms are analyzed and examined in relation to broader Canadian and international literature. Research describing the impact of Ontario's large-scale assessment programs on students, teachers, and the school system is also reported. The discussion outlines measures for strengthening large-scale assessment within the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Quality, Evaluation Methods, Educational Change, Foreign Countries,...
Singapore, a small island city-state, has achieved notable economic advancement within 40 years since independence. It is fast becoming a global city and a knowledge society. In education and training, the Singapore system has evolved from its British roots. Macro performance indicators of participation rate, literacy rate and mean years of schooling, show that the current education system can be regarded as highly successful. The contributions of general education as well as technical...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Schools, Curriculum, Foreign Countries, Technical Education, Academic Achievement,...
A large amount of research has been done on Disruptive Behavior Disorders in general and on Oppositional Defiant Disorder in particular. Although research has examined many facets of Oppositional Defiant Disorder, many questions remain. Further, inconsistencies in terminology and methodological concerns across research studies have made it difficult to think consistently about Oppositional Defiant Disorder. As a result, before examining research concerning the etiology of Oppositional Defiant...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Behavior Disorders, Risk, Etiology, Research Methodology, Futures (of Society),...
As a member of the United Nations, Zambia is committed to the observance of human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. This is evidenced, among others, by the fact that Zambia is a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. Zambia has a permanent Human Rights Commission that includes a subcommittee on child rights whose focus is on child abuse and education. Zambia also has a National...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Child Abuse, Distance Education, Childrens Rights, Foreign Countries, Role of...
The study was conducted in response to the need for an increased understanding of the aging experiences of women transitioning midlife. The purpose of the research was to explore the personal understanding of the changes that occur during the midlife period. A qualitative case study was implemented to ascertain how women of the Latter-day Saint (LDS) faith experience the midlife transition. The narratives of 10 LDS women ages 35 to 65 were obtained through personal interviews. The data were...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Females, Midlife Transitions, Qualitative Research, Aging (Individuals), Case...
The purpose of this article is to present an overview of the special education sector of the Bedouin Arab community in southern Israel. The paper opens with the study rationale and the importance of the subject. The review is based on a thematic analysis of content taken from diverse sources. The analysis showed five principle themes: (a) numerous Bedouin children with special needs and the ensuing social issues (b) Physical infrastructure (c) Skilled professional and multi-professional...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Disabilities, Foreign Countries, Special Needs Students, Special Education,...
A systematic review was conducted of the research into the use of drama techniques to enhance social-emotional development of people with special needs. Only eight studies that were conducted in the period 1990-2005 met the criteria for inclusion in this review. The conclusions of the review were that there are indications that the dramatic processes have the potential to be effective in enhancing social-emotional development of people with special needs. However, the authors have not provided...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Drama, Emotional Development, Disabilities, Social Development, Research Needs,...
Along with a socially urgent impetus for revolutionary reform of an educational environment appropriate to the 21st century society, constructivism is highlighted in various fields related to education as an alternative educational ideology and approach. Despite its radical shift from traditional learning environments, and the diverse interpretation and understanding among scholars on the nature of constructivism, constructivism surely has brought out meaningful changes and developments in...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Constructivism (Learning), Educational Change, Educational Technology, Educational...
The modern world is undergoing a fundamental transformation characterized by a lot of challenges, dynamism, globalization, and the increasing influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). These new technologies have implications for all aspects of the society and economy; they are changing the way of doing business, the way of learning, and almost everything is changed. The ICTs are seen as one of the core elements driving the modern world. Taken into consideration these...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Global Approach, Labor Market, Social Change, Foreign Countries, Futures (of...
As the research interests and the focus of traditional earth scientists are transformed, so too must education in earth system science at colleges and universities across the country change. The required change involves not only the methods used to teach this new science, but also the essential place of the earth sciences in the panoply of disciplines as traditionally ordered by academic colleagues. With growing public and political awareness of the significant environmental problems facing the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, College Curriculum, Environmental Education, Politics of Education, Climate,...
This article examines social partnership in accrediting qualifications in Lithuania. It defines the factors influencing social partnership and surveys future development perspectives, referring to the creation and implementation of the national qualifications system in Lithuania. Social partnership in qualifications accreditation is regarded as a complex phenomenon consisting of the normative level (laws and legal regulations) and the process level (experiences and the existing models of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Vocational Education, Partnerships in Education, Certification,...
This paper, the first in a series on inclusive education in a rural Canadian school district, reports an attempt to develop a succinct, common cross-age scale to measure student views on important school-related aspects of inclusive education. A lengthy scale, previously developed for use in a different study, was administered to 855 children in Grades One to Twelve in a school district in rural Alberta, Canada. A succinct 12-item scale was produced, addressing four of five conceptual areas...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Inclusive Schools, Student Attitudes, Measures (Individuals), School Districts,...
Electronic performance support systems (EPSS) can provide alternative learning opportunities to supplement traditional classroom or training strategies. Today's students may benefit from educational settings and strategies that they will use in the future. In using EPSS to nurture the development of technological literacy, workers and students can achieve higher level cognition skills while they perform tasks. Although there are unique challenges to the development and use of EPSS, efforts to...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Training Methods, Technological Literacy, Performance Technology, Technology...
The author discusses three threats to the American way of life: the first threat is related to human and technological growth; the second is a new division of labor; and the third threat is security and safety. The author suggests two solutions to address these challenges: (1) better technological planning and decisions based on technological literacy; and (2) creating better technology through increased ingenuity, innovations and inventions. The ability to adopt, adapt, invent and evaluate...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Creativity, National Security, Population Growth, Technological Literacy, Technology...
Every woman, man, youth and child has the human right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, without discrimination of any kind. This is enshrined in the Indian Constitution and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Enjoyment of the human right to health is vital to all aspects of a person's life and well-being, and is crucial to the realization of many other fundamental human rights and freedoms. Furthermore, the social rights of victims of crime and their...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Civil Rights, Crime, Child Abuse, Mental Health, Victims of Crime, Foreign Countries,...
This research argues that despite all of the obstacles that African Americans have confronted in the history of the United States, they have made substantial progress in higher education attainment from the 1970s to the beginning of the 21st century. It reveals that the rise in attainment of college and university degrees has resulted in a substantial increase in living standards and that African Americans are making important economic, social and political contributions to the United States. I...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Death, Living Standards, African Americans, Educational Attainment,...
It is not altogether uncommon now to hear environmental educational theorists speak of the need to develop pedagogical methods that can work both for ecological sustainability and social justice. However, the majority of the socio-ecological turn in environmental education has failed to integrate nonhuman animal advocacy as a serious educational issue. In this essay, then, we critically inquire into the theoretical practices of these environmental educators and thereby offer the future promise...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Social Justice, Animals, Environmental Education, Sustainable Development, Teaching...
Noting that many of the nation's high schools are beset with major problems, such as low student reading and math achievement, high dropout rates, and an inadequate supply of effective teachers, Steve Fleischman and Jessica Heppen survey a range of strategies that educators have used to improve low-performing high schools. The authors begin by showing how the standards-based school reform movement, together with the No Child Left Behind Act requirement that underperforming schools adopt reforms...
Topics: ERIC Archive, High Schools, School Restructuring, Teacher Effectiveness, Federal Legislation,...
This article is based on an exploratory case study of an institution that is currently undergoing merger under the directive of the Minister of Education in South Africa. The findings reported here illuminate perspectives of senior administrators at Settlers University, an historically White university (or historically advantaged university), regarding its merger with the historically Black (or disadvantaged) University of the Homeland. This article articulates perspectives of senior...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Racial Segregation, Organizational Change, Foreign Countries, Social Change,...
The interwoven relationship between workforce readiness, business and industrial development, and schools has existed since the institution of public education in the United States. During the last third of the 20th century, however, this relationship became a focus of the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education, business and industrial councils, education administrators and public policy as America realized its future employees were not prepared to enter workplaces of the future. For more than...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Education Work Relationship, Educational Technology, Job Skills, Technology Uses in...
It's 2009: The current millennial generation, the i-Kids, the "Digital Natives," the Net Generation students are now approximately ages 8 to 27. Many of these students are entering their years of career exploration while others are actively involved in career and technical education (CTE) programs in school or college. The millennial generation is the first generation to grow up with technology integrated into their lives--cell phones, i-pods, computers, the Internet, instant...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Curriculum Development, Technology Education, Career Exploration, Educational...
The world is in a constant state of flux and as a consequence, definitions and perceptions of the word "intellectual" are subject to change. This paper undertakes a succinct historical review regarding this notion by considering two paradigms, which are called here the "Lake Paradigm" and the "Well Paradigm". It is argued that these two paradigms fail to educate the intellectual of 21st century. Then a new paradigm, the "Valley Paradigm," is put forward,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Abstract Reasoning, Models, Physical Geography, Figurative Language,...
In this paper, we discuss the challenges for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) with respect to achieving an appropriate balance between the three pillars of sustainable development--economy, society and the environment. In order to do this, we focus on specific concerns confronting a number of developing countries in the Pacific where unsustainable activities provide lessons for the implementation of ESD. ESD requires commitment from governments, commercial operators including...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Developing Nations, Sustainable Development, Environmental...
This article presents the text of an address delivered by Robert F. Valois at the Annual National Meeting of the American Association for Health Education, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 4, 2003. Valois discusses the changes in the "American village" as they relate to children and adolescents, and suggests that health educators need to change professionally to effectively help child and adolescent...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Health Programs, Adolescents, School Health Services, Comprehensive School Health...
At Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS), the three pillars of sustainability--environmental, economical and social--are very much on the minds of educators and administrators. It is so much that the school system has selected sustainability as one of its 21-century skills--one that all 68,751 students in the system must learn. This selection sets a new direction and purpose for skill acquisition as part of the VBCPS' new strategic plan, "Compass to 2015." Acknowledging that...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Vocational Education, Strategic Planning, Sustainable Development, Job Skills,...
One concern that merits the attention of the educational research community is the growing trend toward shorter study abroad programs. Study abroad offerings in which students have traditionally enrolled for academic credit were primarily either a semester or a year in length. The recent Open Doors (2005) report reveals that the growth of study abroad can be attributed, in part, to the increase in programs involving sessions of eight weeks or less. Recent growth in participation in short-term...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Futures (of Society), Educational Research, Universities, Private Colleges, Academic...
In the global arena, governments and educational professionals struggle with issues such as providing educational opportunities for all students, including identification and placement of students with disabilities. In spite of eligibility and placement issues, and a tremendous population of school aged children the Chinese have made inroads in terms of including students with disabilities in regular classrooms. In addition, The United States has made an effort to revamp education by developing...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Strategies, Student Placement, Disabilities, Foreign Countries,...
This article features Christopher Kent, a futurist who uses his skills to study the future. Kent examines the present for clues to changes that the future may bring. His training in history serves him well. Futurists specialize in recognizing upcoming uncertainty and attempting to manage it. They realize that unknown--and unknowable--changes will shape the future. By identifying a range of possible changes, these workers develop alternate visions of the future. There are different types of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Futures (of Society), Intellectual Disciplines, Long Range Planning, Careers,...
The Irish Economy is at an interesting and dynamic phase of its development and people are faced with major decisions that will impact on the Irish society for many years to come. These decisions are and must be made by all who are in a position to influence. Economic evolution or revolution is not new and is most certainly not new to these shores. The Irish Economy has undergone a number of significant evolutions and revolutions since the 1950s. In the 1990s people started to see the emergence...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Economic Development, Adult Education, Social Change, International Trade, Economic...
Almost one half of U.S. students receiving B.S. and M.S. science degrees attend community colleges during their academic careers, yet for the large majority of community college students in the sciences, a four-year degree in a STEM discipline remains an unrealized goal. The authors describe methods intended to improve student learning, retention, and graduation rates of community college students in the sciences. (Contains 2 tables and 4 figures.)
Topics: ERIC Archive, College Students, Community Colleges, Graduation Rate, Sciences, Academic...
The Coalition of National Health Education Organizations (CNHEO) established a task force in 2003 to design a marketing plan to promote the health education profession. Task force members decided that before developing a full-scale marketing plan to reach employers, they should learn more about employers' current knowledge and attitudes regarding health educators and their current and anticipated hiring practices. Few previous studies had examined these questions and no known formal market...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Health Education, Personnel Selection, Marketing, Specialists, Surveys, Employment,...
"Pure basic" science can become detached from the natural world that it is supposed to explain. "Pure applied" work can become detached from fundamental processes that shape the world it is supposed to improve. Neither demands the intellectual support of a broad scholarly community or the material support of society. Translational research can do better by seeking innovation in theory or practice through the synthesis of basic and applied questions, literatures, and methods....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Behavioral Science Research, Innovation, Time Perspective, Futures (of Society),...