Ranked as one of the great human rights tragedies since World War II, the Rwandan genocide, which left 800,000 dead in its wake, is commonly understood in the context of a tribal internecine conflict between the Hutus and Tutsis. The event that triggered the genocide is imputed to the shooting down of a plane carrying the President of Rwanda and Burundi, responsibility for which has been attributed to Paul Kagame, current President of Rwanda and leader of an army comprising Tutsi refugees based...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Death, Foreign Countries, Presidents, Foreign Policy, Conflict, Conflict of Interest,...
Through a historical and comparative analysis of international education policy development in Canada and the U.S., this paper will map the similarities and differences in the two countries. It will highlight the contributions and challenges of the government's involvement in international education (IE) in the two federal states and in particular, explore the implications of the changing contexts, rationales and approaches for international education to the federal role in higher education. It...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, International Education, Comparative Analysis, Comparative...
Based on a survey of approximately 40 professionals involved in various disciplines associated with international education across Canada, this study examines Canada's (federal, provincial, and territorial government) offering of scholarships to international students. Focused at the university level, the study elaborates on relevant international scholarship strategies designed to attract and retain international students, or to develop networks of international graduates that will maintain...
Topics: ERIC Archive, International Education, Global Approach, Educational Change, Educational Strategies,...
This document includes the following issues of this journal: volume 18, number 3, Summer 2002; volume 18, number 4, Fall 2002; volume 19, number 2, Spring 2003; and volume 19, number 3, Summer 2003. The summer 2002 issue of "The Bill of Rights in Action" views problems related to victims of war. It focuses on the internment of Japanese Americans in camps during World War II, the court case that upheld it as constitutional, and subsequent attempts to compensate those held in the camps;...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Ancient History, Black Leadership, Capitalism, Civil Rights, Discussion (Teaching...
In the post-Cold War era, framing U.S. foreign policy discussions is a real challenge. This curriculum unit considers whether international democracy promotion has become the defining objective of U.S. foreign policy and investigates the appropriate role for the United States to play in this period. Students are asked to define U.S. national interest and assess whether democracy promotion efforts serve that interest (Lesson 1); define democracy itself and reflect upon how it is faring around...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Citizenship Education, Democracy, Foreign Policy, Global Approach, Government Role,...
This proceedings of the annual meeting of the National Association of State University and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULCC) presents the discussion, business meetings, lectures, and speeches along with the organization's financial statements for December 31, 1992 and 1991. Included here are remarks by Joseph D. Duffey (Director, U.S. Information Agency) at the general session; remarks of Richard W. Riley, U.S. Secretary of Education; a brief report on the assembly; a list of elected heads of the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Agriculture, Colleges, Federal Aid, Financial Audits, Foreign Countries, Foreign...
A study of American-Chinese relations in the period 1944-1966, this unit for high school students focuses on a number of problems which American policy-makers have had to confront in this period. These problems include the liquidation of Japanese power, the Communist-Nationalist schisms and the rise of the Communists to power, the Korean War, the Quemoy-Matsu crisis, and the question of recognition. The student is asked what the proper goals of foreign policy are, and at the conclusion of the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, American History, Asian History, Curriculum Guides, Foreign Policy, Government Role,...
This unit, geared initially for college-preparatory students at the high school level, asks the student to consider ways in which the past, however incompletely or inaccurately perceived, shapes our views of the present. Evidence is presented to show how both the isolationists and internationalists justified their actions by their interpretations of such things as the Neutrality Act of 1917, World War I, and the postwar reaction. Documents relating to the Nye Committee investigation and the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, American History, Business, Curriculum Guides, Exports, Federal Legislation,...
This is one unit of the series described in SO 000 378. It is necessary for the students to understand that the seeds of international cooperation must be cultivated, and that the methods of peaceful solution to world conflict must be constantly re-evaluated and supported. Several specific objectives are listed: 1) to understand the basic foreign policies and the philosophic foundations that have dominated the history of our relations with other nations; 2) to understand the role each...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Citizenship, Citizenship Responsibility, Cross Cultural Studies, Foreign Policy,...
This bimonthly bulletin reports annotations of current literature on science and public policy. Coverage includes both "policy for science" and "science for policy" in the areas of engineering, technical and narrowly specialized publications. Its purpose is to aid persons who study, formulate, or implement public policy related to science by alerting them to new additions to the science policy literature. Documents are listed under the headings of (1) General, (2) Science,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Annotated Bibliographies, Federal Legislation, Financial Support, Foreign Policy,...
This bimonthly bulletin reports annotations of current literature on science and public policy. Coverage includes both "policy for science" and "science for policy" in the areas of engineering, technical and narrowly specialized publications. Its purpose is to aid persons who study, formulate, or implement public policy related to science by alerting them to new additions to the science policy literature. Documents are listed under the headings of (1) General, (2) Science,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Annotated Bibliographies, Federal Legislation, Financial Support, Foreign Policy,...
This bimonthly bulletin reports annotations of current literature on science and public policy. Coverage includes both "policy for science" and "science for policy" in the areas of engineering, technical and narrowly specialized publications. Its purpose is to aid persons who study, formulate, or implement public policy related to science by alerting them to new additions to the science policy literature. Documents are listed under the headings of (1) General, (2) Science,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Annotated Bibliographies, Federal Legislation, Foreign Policy, Government Role,...
This bimonthly bulletin reports annotations of current literature on science and public policy. Coverage includes both "policy for science" and "science for policy" in the areas of engineering, technical and narrowly specialized publications. Its purpose is to aid persons who study, formulate, or implement public policy related to science by alerting them to new additions to the science policy literature. Documents are listed under the headings of (1) General, (2) Science,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Annotated Bibliographies, Federal Legislation, Financial Support, Foreign Policy,...
The newsletter of this national organization presents commentary on the foreign policy relationship between the United States and China and cites relevant current information. In the summer, 1971 issue introductory comments on the Taiwan policy dilemma appear, as well as announcements of study programs, conferences or symposia, and field staff activities. A main section, China in the News, summarizes current news items based largely on New York Times, Washington Post, and Far Eastern Economic...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Asian History, Communism, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, Government Role,...
This address seeks to explain in brief the historical background and political, economic, and social conditions leading to the democratic election of a Marxist president in Chile. A historical sketch of Chilean government from independence in 1810 is provided with a description of the situation just before Salvador Allende's election in 1969. Some of the political, economic, and social programs and aims of Dr. Allende's government are explained. (VM)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Communism, Economics, Foreign Policy, Government Role, History, Latin American...
This is a subunit to one of four resource units for an eleventh grade course on area studies. This subunit is a teacher's supplement to the unit on the U.S.S.R. A pretest on the Soviet Union, supplementary readings on the Soviet economy, foreign policy, constitution, government, Soviet attitudes toward the United States, and comparative statistics for the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics comprise the subunit. The units on the USSR are SO 006 325, SO 006 326, SO 006 327,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Area Studies, Comparative Analysis, Cross Cultural Studies, Cultural Influences,...
In this position paper the author examines truth in government. Examination of recent political events, especially in areas of foreign policy, reveals that the government has assumed the right to decide what truths are to be told and when they are to be told. To return to the principles developed by the members of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the government must become one of laws and not of men. Today it is possible for men in government to become greater than the laws they have...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Credibility, Federal Government, Foreign Policy, Government (Administrative Body),...
The report discusses issues relating to multilateral disarmament in the context of the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly to be convened in 1978. Intended as a forum for the exchange of ideas of government leaders from the United States and other nations about the international peace-keeping role of the United Nations, the Conference ordered discussion topics so that they would parallel the agenda proposed for the United Nations Special Session. The four-part agenda is as...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Conference Reports, Conflict Resolution, Disarmament, Foreign Countries, Foreign...
The report discusses issues relating to arms limitation and disarmament. Leaders in U. S. government, professionals from a wide spectrum of disciplines, and other international statesmen participated in the conference in an attempt to define a more enlightened foreign policy. Six major topics were discussed. The first report considered five components of multilateral disarmament mechanisms (information, study, deliberation, negotiation, and follow-up). The second report analyzed present and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Conference Reports, Conflict Resolution, Disarmament, Economic Factors, Foreign...
The purpose of the essay is to stimulate action toward disarmament, defined as arms reductions to the lowest level possible without making internal law enforcement impossible. Intended as a guide for peace activists, the booklet identifies 13 issues that hold promise for leading toward a disarmed world: banning nuclear tests, tests of new missiles, proliferation of nuclear weapons, and incendiary and chemical weapons; limiting strategic arms, the use of nuclear weapons, international arms...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Activism, Citizen Participation, Conflict, Conflict Resolution, Disarmament, Foreign...
This publication expresses the major concerns and opinions of legislators and others on the topic of world trade in conventional arms. The Congressional Hearing where these testifiers expressed their opinions was held in 1977, at Des Moines Community College in Ankeny, Iowa. Testimony was given by high school students, university professors, foundation research directors, military personnel, writers, and members of political organizations. Cosponsored by the Iowa Division of the United Nations...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Armed Forces, Conflict, Debate, Disarmament, Economic Factors, Employment, Exports,...
The document presents a report of a conference to stimulate study, research, and education in the field of foreign relations. The report contains summaries of small group discussions of peace and security, economic order, development, resource/population balance, the environment, and human rights. It is presented in six sections. Section I summarizes discussion of non-proliferation strategy for the late 1970s. One major proposal was to create multinational nuclear power centers. Section II...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Civil Liberties, Conference Reports, Conflict Resolution, Decision Making Skills,...
Focusing upon the role of the United States government in furthering educational and cultural relations with other nations, the book presents a history of cooperative exchange between the United States and Latin America from 1936-48. The report, based upon primary source material in the form of communications between the Department of State and foreign service posts in Latin America, is presented in six major sections. Section I investigates origins of the Pan American Movement in the early...
Topics: ERIC Archive, American History, Cross Cultural Studies, Cultural Exchange, Culture Contact,...
The monograph, presenting a history of cultural exchanges between the United States and China from 1942-49, focuses upon the effect of Department of State cultural programs on international cooperation and understanding. Based upon primary source material in the form of reports and daily correspondence between Washington and the American Embassy in Chungking, the report is presented in 10 chapters. Chapter I reviews establishment of the China Program in 1942, with allocation of $150,000 from...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Asian Studies, Chinese Culture, Cross Cultural Studies, Cultural Differences,...
Employment potential in developed and developing nations is analyzed from an economic viewpoint. Estimates by the International Labor Office are that the global labor force will grow by about 900 million people from 1980 to 2000. It is projected that these 900 million people will join the current labor force including approximately 50 million unemployed and about 300 million underemployed. Accurate measures of employment are difficult because different countries count employment in different...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Developed Nations, Developing Nations, Economic Development, Economic Factors,...
This report examines compliance by the United States with agreements made in the Helsinki Final Act. The Act was signed in 1975 by leaders of 33 East and West European nations, Canada, and the U.S. It contains numerous cooperative measures aimed at improving East-West relations. This report was prepared by the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), an independent advisory agency that monitors the implementation records of the U.S. and other countries which signed the Final...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Civil Liberties, Compliance (Legal), Cooperation, Cultural Exchange, Economics,...
One of a series of units on business issues designed for secondary school students, this packet examines United States and Soviet trade within the context of worldwide economic and political associations. Introductory in nature, the 5-day unit is suitable for use by itself or as part of a larger study of comparative economic systems, American foreign policy, or Soviet international studies. Teacher and student materials are provided in separate sections. The teacher's guide contains five...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Business, Comparative Analysis, Cross Cultural Studies, Economic Climate, Economic...
One of a series of units designed to acquaint secondary school students with business issues, this packet focuses on the decisions facing American companies doing business in South Africa. Teacher and student materials are provided in separate sections. The teacher's guide presents an overview, objectives, five detailed lesson plans, suggested follow-up activities, answer keys, handouts for a student simulation, a review of relevant media resources, and background readings. The student...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Business, Business Responsibility, Controversial Issues (Course Content), Decision...
This U.S. presidential commission report outlines specific recommendations for eliminating world hunger in the 1980's. Following a summarization of world hunger problems, the report addresses specific ways to deal with world hunger. Short-term goals include taking immediate action to ensure that poor people are not hungry, assuring that infants and children are adequately nourished, eliminating diseases resulting from specific nutritional deficiencies, and providing disaster relief. Long-term...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Developed Nations, Developing Nations, Foreign Policy, Global Approach, Government...
Mexican mass media, especially television, incorporates an abundance of American programming and serves as a catalyst to motivate lower strata Mexicans to pursue life in the United States, resulting in a tremendous influx of both legal and illegal Mexicans and other Latin Americans to the United States. Although Mexico benefits because many Mexicans send money home, the resultant brain drain comes at a time when Mexico's economy must accommodate an estimated 450,000 refugees from Central...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Cultural Influences, Economic Climate, Economic Factors, Ethnic Origins, Foreign...
Intended to provide background for study and discussion, this publication gives updated information on development in sub-Saharan Africa and provides a basis for understanding U.S. policy toward this vital region. The strengths, problems, politics, natural resources, and language and ethnolinguistic groups of this area of the world and the international and regional organizations active here are discussed in detail. Extensive data tables include information on the population, culture,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Diplomatic History, Economics, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, Government Role,...
American foreign policy must operate within the parameters of public opinion, and governmental and non-governmental actors must educate the characteristically alienated citizenry concerning policy issues. Since rational discourse is of limited benefit in the process, advocates instead use verbal representations or metaphor to instill within the public acceptance or rejection of policy. Metaphor (in the form of emotive symbols and narratives) sometimes evolves into a rhetorical icon that...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Discourse Analysis, Foreign Policy, Government Role, International Relations,...
Drawing on Michael Halloran's genre of public proceedings, the Iran-contra hearings can be viewed from a celebratory or epideictic perspective, with several conceptualizations of the genre combined to illuminate the functions of the hearings. The primary function of the hearings, at least from an epideictic viewpoint, was the reassurance of the community as to the continued validity of its values and system of government. The hearings can be seen as constituting a socially defined significant...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Community Attitudes, Discourse Analysis, Foreign Policy, Government Role, Hearings,...
This paper reviews political symbols aimed at the United States found in "Granma Weekly Review" and in Fidel Castro's speeches to see if they have changed in a predicted manner over an 18-year period and whether changes in symbol content of "Granma" and Castro's speeches correspond. The paper first explains the functions of the Cuban media, and then recounts the history and status of U.S.-Cuban relations. Next, the paper examines Castro's attitude toward the United States....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Aggression, Content Analysis, Diplomatic History, Discourse Analysis, Foreign...
A study examined the Ronald Reagan Administration's rhetoric about the invasion of Grenada to determine its ethical quality and whether the American public could make a fair judgment about the incident based on this rhetoric. Examination of President Reagan's rhetorical efforts revealed numerous violations of democratic ethical standards. Arguments and evidence that were distorted and withheld inhibited the American public's ability to appraise the incident fairly. Four criteria for democratic...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Citizen Participation, Democratic Values, Discourse Analysis, Ethics, Federal...
The Stanley Foundation annually assembles a panel of experts from the public and private sectors to assess specific foreign policy issues and to recommend future direction. The participants in the round-table discussion summarized in this report agreed that the Soviets are moving from a Marxist-Leninist version of socialism to a broader version, and that Gorbachev appears to be ready to bring in a new form of Soviet socialism, in which both the selfless and self-interested urges of people are...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Area Studies, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, Global Approach, Government Role,...
The Stanley Foundation annually assembles a panel of experts from the public and private sectors to assess specific foreign policy issues and to recommend future directions. The round-table discussion summarized in this report focused on the future of Africa and the changing global context of U.S. policy toward Africa. While the Cold War has ended, in Africa there is little understanding of what that change in policy means for Africa, for the United States, and for policies toward Africa. The...
Topics: ERIC Archive, African Studies, Current Events, Developing Nations, Foreign Countries, Foreign...
This report summarizes the roundtable discussion of 19 China experts at a conference on the development of U.S. policy convened four months after the democracy demonstrations that took place in China in spring, 1989. The group's discussion highlighted five major areas of uncertainty over China's course in the short-term to intermediate future: (1) the extent of changes in Chinese life caused by the abrupt political changes of May and June 1989, and the eroding economy; (2) understanding key...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Chinese Culture, Current Events, Developing Nations, Foreign Countries, Foreign...
An annual assembly of a panel of experts from the public and private sectors assessed specific foreign policy issues and recommended future direction. The oneset of the debt crisis in 1982 generated fears regarding the future of democracy in Latin America. The focus on the assembled experts was on the role of external pressures and the impact of U.S. policy, such as the Baker and Brady Plans, and of international financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Area Studies, Debt (Financial), Developing Nations, Economic Factors, Economic...
This document is the third in a series of biennial reports on the United States Institute of Peace. The Institute devotes itself to matters of international peace based on freedom and justice. Functioning as a nonideological educational resource for policymakers and officials, the Institute does not intervene directly in the formulation or conduct of U.S. foreign policy. Principal purposes of the Institute include: (1) expanding knowledge about international conflict and peace by sponsoring...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Conflict Resolution, Disarmament, Foreign Policy, Government Role, Higher Education,...