Recent events and trends in world affairs have focused attention upon the issue of inter-state economic conflict and possible national security implications in the decade ahead. In this context, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) took the initiative within the Department of Defense (DOD) to sponsor a workshop which would bring together key individuals from Government, the academic community, and the private research sector for purposes of exploring and discussing the national security...
Topics: DTIC Archive, Minckler, Rex D., Rebh, Richard G., OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH ARLINGTON VA, *NATIONAL...
The IADIS CELDA 2012 Conference intention was to address the main issues concerned with evolving learning processes and supporting pedagogies and applications in the digital age. There had been advances in both cognitive psychology and computing that have affected the educational arena. The convergence of these two disciplines is increasing at a fast pace and affecting academia and professional practice in many ways. Paradigms such as just-in-time learning, constructivism, student-centered...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Academic Achievement, Academic Persistence, Academic Support Services, Access to...
The major focus of U.S. strategic planning has long been on general nuclear war, conceived of as a rapid and massive exchange of most of the U.S. and Soviet Union strategic arsenals. Lesser forms of strategic conflict have received attention from academic strategic theorists, but until recently were not considered seriously in U.S. defense planning. With President Nixon's oft quoted question in 1970 of whether or not the President should have more than one option to deal with nuclear attack on...
This report constitutes the final technical report of year two of the International Behavior Analysis (IBA) Project. The Project's basic goal is to provide a means for producing comparative, empirical generalizations about how, when, and why nations are likely to act, react, and interact. Three distinct kinds of behavior are being analyzed. First, the identification of sources of national action is a central objective. Nations act externally in response to domestic and/or foreign stimuli. Three...
Topics: DTIC Archive, Wilkenfeld, Jonathan, Hopple, Gerald W., MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK DEPT OF...
A new orientation to pre-crisis study is developed drawing upon concepts from international systems analysis, empirical research on international crises and insights from cybernetics about monitoring change in a system. Conceptions of threat are divided into threat as behavior and threat as perception. Threat as behavior is determined by monitoring international event/ interactions. Threat as perception is determined by the cognitive appraisals of international affairs analysts. Analyzing...
An analysis of threat situations in the domestic and international system is presented. The basis for analyzing domestic threats as a system phenomenon is explained. Data are reported for the severity, development speed and spread of domestic and international threats over a four month period.
A series of computer studies done on a ten year collection of international event reports (WEIS type, 78,956 records) traces nine high tension episodes of world affairs in the period 1966-75. Early warning indications are pointed out, the duration and scope of the episodes are charted, and conclusions are drawn on the directions of overall international activity in the period. Some practical applications and some improvements of techniques are suggested.
The objective of the International Behavior Analysis (IBA) Project is to construct and Implement an analytical framework capable of providing insight into the actions and interactions of certain states in certain situations. The Project's emphasis is thus comparative and in this connection will construct and implement a typology of nations and a typology of international events.
Topics: DTIC Archive, Wilkenfeld, Jonathan, Andriole, Stephen J, MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK DEPT OF...
The report develops and demonstrates various means of using quantitative indicator technology in analyzing and predicting future international trends. Three generic types of indicators were created to enhance the analysts abilities to estimate future international interaction trends: international, internal, and economic. Issue content, intensity of participation, behavioral tone, and other types of indicators were used. Two innovative methodologies were devised to help the policy analyst:...
Topics: DTIC Archive, Spector, Bertram I, Brownell, Jr , James R, Hayes, Margaret Daly, Keynon, Gary A,...
;Contents: Japanese international behavior; Data collection and preparation; Issue indicators; Behavioral tone index; Dyadic intensity index; Power strategy indicators; Internal political indicators; Economic indicators; Event patterning for decision analysis; Power strategy impact analysis; Application of event patterning for decision analysis; Application of power strategy impact analysis; Internal prediction models of Japanese international behavior; Economic prediction models of Japanese...
Topics: DTIC Archive, Spector, Bertram I, Brownell, James R , Jr, Hayes, Margaret Daly, Keynon, Gary A,...
The report describes research efforts to develop and apply quantitative indicators to national security problems. The report consists of two volumes. Volume I, the Executive Summary, is a non-technical review of the research accomplishments with special emphasis on their potential, immediate applications within the defense and intelligence communities. Volume II, the Technical Report, summarizes the specific results of the fiscal 1975 research effort. Volume III contains appendices to the...
Topics: DTIC Archive, Spector, Bertram I, Brownell, Jr , James R, Hayes, Margaret D, Keynon, Gary A, Moore,...
The report summarizes the two phases of a study designed to assess the possible contributions of psychological and sociological literature to improving the management of foreign policy crises. In Phase I, after a systematic search of the literature, the research findings of over 100 studies were synthesized into 81 propositions that relate to the influence of individual and group-level factors on the effective performance of decision-making tasks in crisis management. In Phase II the research...
Topics: DTIC Archive, Shapiro, Howard B, Gilbert, Marcia A, HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH INC MCLEAN VA,...
The report summarizes the research activities of the International Behavior Analysis (IBA) Project for the period August 1, 1974 to March 1, 1975. An analytical framework for the study of international behavior is constructed. It is comprised of the factors associated with international action and reaction. The factors themselves are classified as either internal (domestic) or external (foreign), and facilitate the conduct of source and (decision- making) process analysis.
Topics: DTIC Archive, Wilkenfeld, Jonathan, Andriole, Stephen J, MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK DEPT OF...
A workbook, written for use in local churches and synagogues, suggests projects and programs for concerned individuals who wish to contribute to an effort to end war. An introduction presents the rationale of the workbook, the creation of a network to end war, and ways in which groups and individuals can become involved in this endeavor. A chapter on resources describes materials for projects based around literature tables, information centers, posters, pictures, books, newsletters, films,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Annotated Bibliographies, Church Role, Community Action, Conflict Resolution, Films,...
The document analyzes Mao Tse-Tung's "Three Main Rules of Discipline" and "Eight Points For Attention" and presents, by way of comparison, the text of the "Code of Conduct" issued by the President of the United States for members of the armed forces during the Vietnam War. Mao's regulations were revised by the General Headquarters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in 1947 as follows: obey orders in all your actions, do not take a single needle or piece of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Armed Forces, Asian Studies, Behavior Standards, Comparative Analysis, Foreign...
The perception of typical U.S. college students toward the Reagan administration's foreign policy is that it is based on the principle that Communism must be stopped at any cost. Students' beliefs are defined according to their reactions to specific U.S. foreign policy initiatives. Three areas have aroused considerable campus reaction and exemplify students' perception of this "stop Communism" approach as controlling U.S. foreign policy. The areas are: (1) nuclear arms proliferation;...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Activism, College Students, Communism, Disarmament, Foreign Policy, Government...
This report informs about an international seminar, convened by the Lugansk Regional Committee of Educators for Peace. Among the interrelated themes dealt with included: (1) the role of technology in education for a new age; (2) systems thinking; (3) education for peace and new world order; (4) international projects such as "The Peace Ribbon"; (5) support groups for communication training; and (6) education for international understanding. The seminar is part of the Project for...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Conflict Resolution, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, Global Education,...