A search on the Internet for resources for teaching statistics yields multiple sites with data sets, projects, worksheets, applets, and software. Often these are made available without information on how they might benefit learning. This paper addresses potential benefits from resources that target trend and variability relationships in bivariate data. The paper is in five parts. The first is the introduction. In the second, trend and variability are defined. In the third, the author quotes...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Internet, Statistics, Mathematics Instruction, Web Sites, Worksheets, Computer...
This study uses Partial Credit Rasch analysis to study a complex data set of student responses to survey items relating to chance and data. The items were administered in the classroom and collected from 1993 to 2003 in the Australian state of Tasmania. Data were collected from a total of 5514 individual students across Grades 3 to 11 over the decade and of these students 896 provided at least one repeated measure. As students completed a core of common items, Rasch analysis could be performed...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Elementary Secondary Education, Foreign Countries, Longitudinal Studies, Mathematics...
Despite a fall in the percentage of young people choosing this course between 1993 and 1994 (58.17%) and 2003 and 2004 (55.23%), vocational training remains the main path chosen by young people in Bulgaria. The national programme for developing pre-school, school education and training (2006-15), adopted in 2006 due to major public interest in this issue, aims to reform initial vocational training. This article presents the main pillars of this reform based on European strategic guidelines. The...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Trend Analysis, Foreign Countries, Vocational Education, Guidelines, Employment...
The study uses individual data from the Canadian Labour Force Survey to consider economic factors in university participation decisions by persons aged 17-24 from 1976 to 2003. The level of real tuition is one economic factor that may affect the university participation decision. There is also regional variation in the opportunity cost of university attendance; in the reduction in the probability of unemployment after obtaining a university degree; and in the proportion of university budgets...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Decision Making, Probability, Paying for College, Economic...
The author discerns two trends ruling with many of the teachers, intellectuals, and citizens of the United States. One is the color-blind-myth that Williams (1997) cites in her essay, "The Emperor's New Clothes": "I don't think about color, therefore your problems don't exist," is the phrase that she attributes to this "school of idealism". The other is the notion of race as a social construct. Race is not inscribed in a gene, and therefore it is not natural but...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Racial Relations, Integration Readiness, Racial Attitudes, Constructivism (Learning),...
In this article, the author begins with an examination of economic racial inequalities by updating Bowen, Lago, and Furry's (1997) presentation and putting it within historical and modern contexts. The author then addresses literature documenting the historical context from which these circumstances derive to explain differences in financial practices by people of different race. Finally, he mentions implications of the aforementioned analysis and suggests direction for future research and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Racial Differences, Learning Theories, Economically Disadvantaged, Racial Factors,...
This article provides a brief picture of social studies education in the United States, China, and South Korea. It begins with a brief account of the K-12 curriculum structure and history of social studies education in each country in the 20th century. It then turns to a contemporary look at the social studies, the national curriculum standards that were developed in 1990s, and more recent trends and instructional practices in each country. Commonalities and differences in these areas are...
Topics: ERIC Archive, National Curriculum, Elementary Secondary Education, Global Approach, Foreign...
Statistics Canada's annual census of full-time faculty at all Canadian universities, between 1984 to 1999, is used to measure the effect of gender, discipline, and institution on promotion from assistant to associate professor and from associate to full professor. Accelerated failure time models show that gender has some effect on rates of promotion, but that disciplinary and institutional variation are much greater. Generally, departments in science, engineering, and professional schools...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Gender Differences, Intellectual Disciplines, Institutional Characteristics, Foreign...
Since the 1970s, finding alternative permanent families for children in foster care who could not return to their birth parents has been a primary goal of the child welfare system. Since that time, significant gains have been made in helping such children find permanent homes through adoption and guardianship. This article analyzes these trends and finds: (1) A majority of states have doubled the number of adoptions from foster care over the 1995-97 baselines established by the federal...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Placement, Child Welfare, Federal Government, Adoption, Welfare Services, Foster...
S. Redding noted the many challenges facing research and researchers in family-school-community involvement, and he presented a call to "rally the troops" to respond to a series of concerns. The issue of control over defining the role of schools should be a shared enterprise among the family, the school, and the community, with the individual child as the center. This paper presents reflections on past developments providing the background and reasoning for contemporary practice of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, School Involvement, Family Involvement, Community Involvement, Parent School...
The resident population of Bamberg County, SC, has been exposed to multiples of public health information and education interventions since October 1982 with the intent to reduce the occurrence of unintended pregnancies among unmarried adolescents. Data analyses were conducted to compare 20 years of pregnancy rates among girls aged 14-17 years for Bamberg County, the original three comparison counties, and the rates for the state of South Carolina from 1981 to 2000. Bamberg County had 3...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Community Education, Public Health, Community Programs, Pregnancy, Counties, Data...
Most people in higher education believe in continuity, in respecting traditions. That makes it easy to miss the startling changes and compelling opportunities that confront the academic enterprise. In this article, the author presents a few trends that are dramatically altering higher education in New England: (1) more women than men are attending college; (2) Hispanics are the most rapidly growing ethnic and racial minority in New England; (3) the number of students taking online courses has...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Foreign Countries, Educational Trends, Trend Analysis, Hispanic...
Perhaps more than any other measure of higher education, college completions provide an indication of the contributions of this important sector to the economy and to society at large. Measured by the number and kinds of degrees and certificates awarded during a given period, completions represent the output produced by colleges. Degree completions allow for the assessment of a variety of issues pertaining to higher education, ranging from minority access and gender equity to the role of higher...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Economic Progress, Higher Education, College Graduates, Labor Force, Skilled Workers,...
In few places is higher education so ingrained in a region's economic vitality as in New England. Students from all over the world enroll in New England's institutions of learning and research, bringing resources to finance their education and living expenses that reverberate throughout local and state economies. Human capital-based industries driven by New England's college-trained talent fuel New England's local and state economies. This article traces the economic growth of New England from...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Economic Progress, Higher Education, Economic Impact, Trend Analysis, Educational...
Here is a short presentation of the main statistical indicators for higher education. The analysis was structured on national and regional level and also taking in account the differences between private and state universities. We have focused on some indicators regarding students and teachers flows. Romanian case is a special one, that had no private education during communist era and an exponential development after 1990. (Contains 9 figures and 3 tables.)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Private Education, Higher Education, State Universities, Foreign Countries,...
Child sex abuse increasingly is recognised as a societal problem that can no longer be ignored. In this paper definitions, prevalence, trends, assessment, and available diagnostic procedures are described and critically evaluated. It is argued that the lack of reliable diagnostic procedures remains one of the main difficulties in dealing effectively with the detrimental effects of CSA on the child or adult. The research challenge to find effective alternative procedures is outlined.
Topics: ERIC Archive, Clinical Diagnosis, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Incidence, Trend Analysis,...
In our attempts to track changes in geological practice over time and to isolate the source of these changes, we have found that they are largely connected with the germination of new geologic subdisciplines. We use keyword and title data from articles in 68 geology journals to track the changes in influence of each subdiscipline on geology over all. Geological research has shifted emphasis over the study period, moving away from economic geology and petroleum geology, towards physics- and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Geology, Scientific Research, Scientific Methodology, Trend Analysis, Bibliometrics,...
Along with a socially urgent impetus for revolutionary reform of an educational environment appropriate to the 21st century society, constructivism is highlighted in various fields related to education as an alternative educational ideology and approach. Despite its radical shift from traditional learning environments, and the diverse interpretation and understanding among scholars on the nature of constructivism, constructivism surely has brought out meaningful changes and developments in...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Constructivism (Learning), Educational Change, Educational Technology, Educational...
Ghosts haunt the school curriculum. Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" provides a starting point for thinking about these curriculum ghosts. In the Preface, he states that he has "endeavoured in this Ghostly little book, to raise the Ghost of an Idea". In this article, the author seeks to raise the ghost of an idea, and to have a bit of fun with it by using the methodology of "hauntology" to consider the specters of curriculum past, present and future that haunt...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Change, Educational Trends, Trend Analysis, Foreign Countries, Curriculum...
Social capital is a useful theory for understanding the experiences of working class, first-generation college students. Social capital is the value of a relationship that provides support and assistance in a given social situation. According to social capital theory, networks of relationships can aid students in managing an otherwise unfamiliar environment (Attinasi, 1989) by providing students with valuable information, guidance and emotional support (Stanton-Salazar, 1997). This study...
Topics: ERIC Archive, First Generation College Students, Working Class, Statistical Significance, Social...
With particular regard to gender, this paper considers the rise and fall of EEO in Australian universities over the last 30 years. The paper argues that EEO, a product of social liberalism, had barely been introduced before it became a casualty of the Dawkins reforms and the transformation of the university. Corporatisation resulted in top-down managerialism and the production of academics as neoliberal subjects. Within this context, identity politics either moved to the periphery or...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Equal Opportunities (Jobs), Critical Theory, Social Justice,...
Drug use among American Indian (AI) youth continues at higher levels than those found among other youth. While the rates are higher, the patterns of increases and decreases over the past 30-year period have been similar, indicating that AI youth are part of the larger adolescent culture. There is a set of secular influences that affect the rates of drug use in both groups in the same manner. The major implication of these findings is that effective interventions in non-AI groups may also be eff...
Topics: ERIC Archive, American Indians, Dropouts, Drug Abuse, Trend Analysis, At Risk Persons, Young...
While digital virtual worlds have been used in education for a number of years, advances in the capabilities and spread of technology have fed a recent boom in interest in massively multi-user 3D virtual worlds for entertainment, and this in turn has led to a surge of interest in their educational applications. In this paper we briefly review the use of virtual worlds for education, from informal learning to formal instruction, and consider what is required to turn a virtual world from a...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Technology, Virtual Classrooms, Educational Environment, Educational...
The purpose of this study was to examine research productivity in the Journal of Agricultural Education from 1996 to 2005 and explain factors that contributed to that productivity. In Volumes 37 to 46, 333 articles were published. The most productive institutions were determined by frequency of the institutional affiliation of article authors. The most productive authors were determined in a similar manner and were also ranked according to appearances as "any author" or "lead...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Productivity, Agricultural Education, Journal Articles, Periodicals, Performance...
Most of the reforms, which have been undertaken in the last 30 years in the Turkish educational system, are about teacher education. When we examine the teacher education curriculum from the perspective of these reforms, it has been observed that there is a controversy between the academic and professional approaches used in these curricula. While the reforms undertaken in 1982 and 1997 were in favor of the academic approach, the latest reform undertaken in 2006 was made to strengthen the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Teacher Education Curriculum, Educational Change, Change Strategies, Educational...
The way categories, labels, and taxonomies are used depends upon national ideologies and nationally specific conceptions of citizenship and normality. Ethnicity, differences, disability and deviance are social constructions. Underachievement or overachievement in social (cognitive) performance or overrepresentation in special educational placements of certain groups of students is as much the product of categorisation or definitional processes as it is the workings of institutional procedures,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Special Schools, Ideology, Minority Groups, Immigrants, Foreign Countries, Special...
This pilot study focused on paramedic students in the final year of their college program. Using a randomised controlled pre-test/post-test design, this study sought to determine whether perceived peer support, negative attitude towards emotional expression, and specific coping processes, would be significantly predictive of levels of self-reported psychological distress and burnout symptomology, and whether a group counselling intervention could be utilized to influence change in desired...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Intervention, Negative Attitudes, Allied Health Personnel, College Programs,...
Policy-makers and institutional administrators have long struggled with the question of college and university student tuition fees. In many ways this struggle may be characterized as a negotiation between two distinct policy goals: providing revenue to adequately finance higher education and ensuring student accessibility to higher education. The Government of Ontario has wrestled with these competing questions, resulting in major changes to tuition policy over the last 10 years. This article...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Foreign Countries, Tuition, Educational Policy, Policy Analysis,...
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, have resulted in the increased scrutiny of both immigrants and non-immigrants entering the United States. The latter group includes students who enter the country on temporary visas to complete programs of higher education. Depending on the source, the number of foreign students in the United States has remained constant or fallen since 2001, and there has been a large decline among students from predominantly Muslim countries. Canada, by contrast,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Students, Muslims, Terrorism, Universities, Labor Market, Foreign Countries,...
The American electric utility system has been massively transformed during the last three decades. Viewed previously as a staid, secure, and heavily regulated natural monopoly, the system has shed elements of government oversight and now appears to be increasingly susceptible to terrorist attacks and other disruptions. Overturning the conventional wisdom of the 1960s and 1970s, dependence on large-scale generation plants and high-voltage transmission networks now seems to decrease reliability...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Systems Approach, Utilities, Science and Society, Social Action, Influence of...
The present study is an attempt to examine the intricacies of the growth of Private School industry in the North-Eastern Indian State of Nagaland. The study was carried out in Kohima, the capital city of Nagaland State. Data were obtained from field studies as well as from published reports of the Government. The main objective of the study was to ascertain the trends and structure of growth of private school industry. The empirical analysis was carried out by fitting the data to quadratic,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Private Schools, Educational Development, Enrollment, Field Studies, Trend Analysis,...
Since the mid 1970s the national rate at which incoming 9th graders have completed high school has fallen slowly but steadily; this is also true in 41 states. In 2002, about three in every four students who might have completed high school actually did so; in some states this figure is substantially lower. In this paper I review state-level measures of high school completion rates and describe and validate a new measure that reports these rates for 1975 through 2002. Existing measures based on...
Topics: ERIC Archive, High Schools, Graduation Rate, Grade Repetition, Dropouts, Grade 9, Educational...
This article chronicles the evolution of legislation for Texas open-enrollment charter schools to their implementation by demonstrating how these schools have (or have not) used their freedom from state-mandated requirements to develop innovative learning environments as well as to bring innovative curricula into the classroom. The investigative focus was on an analysis of Texas open-enrollment charter school legislation, from 1995 (74th legislative session) to the 77th legislative session in...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Needs, Charter Schools, Disadvantaged Youth, Teacher Persistence, Labor...
This article deals with the education policy in Greece during the period 1976 to 1997, with special focus on the policy that is in practice since 1997. During the early 1990s, the important changes at international and local levels had established the foundations for this policy, which is significantly different from the ones implemented during the twenty five years before that and has effected a total transformation of the Greek educational system. The analysis of this policy, including a...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Change, Foreign Countries, Educational Policy, Educational Trends, Trend...
In this paper, two nationwide assessments for elementary and secondary students' educational achievement in Korea were reviewed for their assessment frameworks and the overall results; the Diagnostic Test for Basic Skills (DTBS) of Grade 3 elementary students and the National Assessment of Educational Achievement (NAEA) for Grade 6, 9 and 10 students. Also, the results for Korea in two large-scale international comparison studies were reviewed; the Trends in International Mathematics &...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Academic Achievement, Diagnostic Tests, Foreign Countries, Grade 6, Grade 9, Grade...
This chapter focuses on indicators of postsecondary participation, looking at the characteristics of students who enroll in postsecondary education, students who receive financial aid, and students who receive different levels of postsecondary degrees. Between 1976 and 2004, minority enrollments increased as a percentage of undergraduate enrollments, from 17 to 32 percent. Since 1976, the percentage of female undergraduate enrollments has surpassed that of male undergraduate enrollments. In...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Graduate Students, Females, Enrollment Trends, Postsecondary Education, Student...
Introduction: There is scarcity of Indian data on substance dependence in children and adolescents. Methods: Case records of 85 adolescents with the final diagnosis of substance dependence were analyzed (out of 115 registrations during 1978-2003). Results: Time trends showed an increase in individuals with good social support and higher family income, a decrease in individuals with psychiatric comorbidity. Intravenous drug use was prominent during 1988-1997. Conclusions: Clinic attendance may...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Case Records, Substance Abuse, Family Income, Drug Abuse, Adolescents, Foreign...
In recent years, school psychology has become increasingly grounded in data-based decision making and intervention design, based upon behavior analytic principles. This paradigm shift has occurred in part by recent federal legislation, as well as through advances in experimental research replicating laboratory based studies. Translating basic research into practice is commonly known as "bridge" research. The present study analyzed four top school psychology journals with regards to...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Federal Legislation, Theory Practice Relationship, School Psychology, Citation...
This article examines the racial diversity of the teacher population in Canada. In particular, we compare the number of teachers of colour in Canadian elementary and secondary schools from the 2001 and 2006 Census data with the diversity of the student and general populations. We also explore ways to understand the gap between the proportion of Canadian educators and students of colour by interrogating the leaky pipeline metaphor that scholars commonly employ to account for labour shortages. We...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Figurative Language, Student Diversity, Foreign Countries, Diversity (Faculty),...
Fred Wulczyn explores how data on the incidence and distribution of child maltreatment shed light on planning and implementing maltreatment prevention programs. He begins by describing and differentiating among the three primary sources of national data on maltreatment. Wulczyn then points out several important patterns in the data. The first involves child development. Based on official reports, maltreatment rates are highest during certain periods of children's lives, especially infancy and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Substance Abuse, Child Abuse, Prevention, Child Welfare, Social Environment, Child...
The subject of this investigation is the composition and distribution of students of Armenian educational institutions and their partition in the state and private sectors of higher education. The study examines the general rise of educational institutions, particularly private ones, where the average number of students is considerably less than in the state institutions of higher learning. There has also been an increase in the number of students in state-paid and private higher education...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Foreign Countries, Educational Trends, Trend Analysis, Educational...
Identifying Specific Learning Disability (SLD) has been an arduous task. Until IDEA 2004, diagnosing SLD was limited to IQ discrepancy models lacking in both empirical evidence and contributing to minority over-representation. This paper examines the history of SLD assessment, the phenomena of minority over-representation, and the implementation of Response to Intervention, (RtI) and other alternate assessment for SLD.
Topics: ERIC Archive, Alternative Assessment, Learning Disabilities, Disability Identification, Educational...
The Eisenhower Professional Development Program's primary goal is to support professional development for teachers that will improve classroom practice and, ultimately, student achievement. A multiyear evaluation of the Eisenhower Program sought to provide information to help the Eisenhower Program, and other professional development efforts, achieve this important goal. The evaluation was intended to help policymakers and program managers by (1) describing professional development activities...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Teacher Improvement, Professional Development, Teaching Methods, Program...
This article presents the results on the effects of professional development in context by examining how much average change over time there is in different dimensions of teaching practice. In particular, three years of data on teaching practice are used to describe trends and differences across teachers and schools in the three broad aspects of teaching practice: (1) the overall alignment of teaching with national standards, using the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) as the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, National Standards, Teaching Methods, Educational Trends, Trend Analysis, Educational...
Emphasis on educational efficiency, or accountability, with all its claims towards institutional improvement, has left the question of educational equity unanswered. Contemporary policy, particularly in Western nations, focuses largely on raising aggregate test scores while the greater society sees a steady increase in economic inequality. It is the purpose of this article to trace the current increase in inequality through income and wealth distributions, and argue that educational equity...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Strategies, Equal Education, Social Justice, Critical Theory,...
This paper discusses a neglected aspect of English in China, its impact on ethnic minorities and their languages. It begins with an overview of the current situation of the minorities and their languages then, based on fieldwork conducted in Jilin and Guizhou Provinces, it shows two trends: English currently has a limited presence in minority areas and there is a strong desire to learn it. However, achieving additive bilingualism is made difficult by lack of minority cultural content on the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Bilingualism, English (Second Language), Second Language Learning,...
The Trends in International Mathematics and Science studies provide country-level data for tracking changes in student achievement over time. In this paper the author has developed a method for identifying and monitoring trends in student achievement above or below any specified cut-point on these tests. The method involved the use of the Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke indices, as well as a modified version of these indices. The ability to identify and monitor trends in student achievement at...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Mathematics Achievement, Academic Achievement, Evaluation Methods, Educational...
Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Baha'i, Jewish, and Christian organizations are all experimenting with distance education for various reasons and to different extents, due to religious, economic, and political factors. Religious institutions worldwide are not only turning to the World Wide Web (WWW) to place information concerning religious beliefs and provide virtual services for their constituents but are also getting more involved in formally educating their members at a distance. This paper will...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Distance Education, Internet, Technology Uses in Education, Use Studies, Religious...
This article presents results of survey data showing teacher qualifications for their assignments that are comparable from state-to-state as well as data trends over time. The analysis is intended to help state leaders, educators, and others obtain a picture of highly qualified teachers in their state, and to be able to compare their state statistics with states across the nation. Since states have some flexibility in meeting the standard for highly qualified teachers outlined by NCLB, the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Teacher Qualifications, Academic Achievement, National Surveys, State Standards,...
As the nation celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the 1954 Brown Decision, it is important to examine the achievement gap between children attending resegregated public schools and their counterparts attending integrated schools. The achievement gap is directly impacted by four specific interdependent types of deficits: moral, human capital, functional and agency. These deficits guide the analysis of trends in the reading and writing achievement gaps between resegregated and desegregated schools...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Writing Achievement, School Districts, Achievement Gap, Academic Standards, Trend...