The IADIS CELDA 2012 Conference intention was to address the main issues concerned with evolving learning processes and supporting pedagogies and applications in the digital age. There had been advances in both cognitive psychology and computing that have affected the educational arena. The convergence of these two disciplines is increasing at a fast pace and affecting academia and professional practice in many ways. Paradigms such as just-in-time learning, constructivism, student-centered...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Academic Achievement, Academic Persistence, Academic Support Services, Access to...
In the face of compelling challenges, the Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE), the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), as well as the national education coalitions in Asia, have levelled up efforts in the past five years to advance the right of all citizens to quality education and learning opportunities throughout their lives. Their vehicle was a global programme called the Real World Strategies (RWS) that built capacities of multiple stakeholders in...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Advocacy, Sustainable Development, Poverty, Quality of Life,...
This paper makes a case for "good politics for good education", with special reference to Nigeria. It surveys the impact of good and bad politics on the attainment of Meaningful Access to education with special focus on Nigeria's Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme. Good politics is to be likened to what the French call "la politique au sense noble du terme" (politics in the noble sense of the term--or statesmanship) while bad politics is to be likened to a...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Access to Education, Preschool Education, Elementary Secondary Education, Democracy,...
In late 2010, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Rajiv Shah commissioned a new Agency-wide Education Strategy to ensure that USAID's global education investments would be informed by recent Presidential policy guidance; grounded in the most current evidence-based analysis of educational effectiveness; and aimed at maximizing the impact and sustainability of development results. This 2011-2015 Education Strategy was created to reflect these core principles. This...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Principles, Educational Strategies, Public Agencies, Technical...
The Wingspread Conference Series (2003-2005), "Strategies to Strengthen the Relationship between Higher Education and Society", brought together scholars, institutional and national leaders, community activists, and graduate and undergraduate students to examine the current and evolving relationships between higher education and society. The goals of this annual series included (a) assessing the status of efforts and challenges focused on strengthening American higher education's...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Social Justice, Higher Education, Equal Education, Social Responsibility,...
In most countries of the world, higher education is highly subsidized by the public sector. The subsidy is a result of the role of higher education sector on the economy and good governance of the nations. Enrolment into higher institutions of learning is quite low in Africa compare to other continents of the world due to the continent's low and declining spending on her higher institutions of learning. This shabby contribution by the continent could be likened to a result of some imminent...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Universities, Private Colleges, Foreign Countries, Federal...
The purpose of this study is to contribute to the ongoing discussion on Ghana's education reform initiatives in the light of contemporary socioeconomic constraints, and linguistic and diversity issues. The Ghanaian education system today faces inadequate financial resources (for education programs) combined with the continuous unprecedented demand for access, the legacy of colonialism, longstanding economic and social crises as challenges that present a particularly difficult reality for...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Change, Foreign Countries, Financial Support, Educational Finance,...
The "ISSS Annual Conference Proceedings" is a peer-reviewed professional publication published once a year following the annual conference. (Individual papers contain references.) [For the 2009 proceedings, see ED504973.]
Topics: ERIC Archive, Social Studies, Proverbs, Social Justice, Global Approach, Photography, Visual Aids,...
The effects of migration on development depend on who leaves, where they go, and how home countries adjust to their leaving. The authors advocate that migration patterns and the capacity to adjust are fundamental determinants of a migration-development nexus, and that migration and development policies are complements rather than substitutes. The writers conclude that sound visa policies coupled with strategic capacity building in sending countries can turn immigration into a positive driver...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Migration, Development, Migrants, Access to Education, Educational...