Apr 8, 2016
Apr 8, 2016
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For about one hundred years now, the British and their Khazar allies have been fomenting upheaval and bloodshed in the middle east. It has always been to further the "Lewis Plan" - the destabilization and Balkanization of these areas, for purposes of conquest and control. https://archive.org/details/TheBernardLewisPlanThe main PDF in relation to this is the censored introduction to "Revolt in the Desert", written by one of the original agent provocateurs in the Lewis...
Topics: history, Syria, Assad, Chemical Weapons, Operation Gladio, PATCON, fake terrorism, FSA, rebels,...
Mar 26, 2016
Mar 26, 2016
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Emails recovered from Hillary Clinton's 'deniable' email server reveal Googles secret plan to build an app to track users for the purpose of helping build ISIS. Not kidding. Hillary's response to this evil? "That's a pretty cool idea."And why WOULDN'T Hillary react this way? She was IN CHARGE of the Swiss bank accounts used to fund ISIS;https://archive.org/details/TheUSAFundsISISFYI Al-Jazeera probably agreed to help this ISIS-building plan because they are controlled by...
Topics: Bashar al Assad, John Kerry, Al Jazeera, Google, Spying, tracking, Google is Evil, internet, Free...
Dec 31, 2015
Dec 31, 2015
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The war against ISIS aka Daesh in Syria, has been FAKE from the beginning. Otherwise, why only bomb EMPTY buildings, having given advance notice to their terrorist occupants?https://archive.org/details/SyriaandTheMiddleEasthttps://archive.org/details/AirliftOfEvil2016https://archive.org/details/AmericaDroppingSuppliesToISIShttps://archive.org/details/ISIS-TurkeySuppliestheWeapons
Topics: Bashar al Assad, John Kerry, Free Syrian Army, Christian Williams, Syria, Assad, Chemical Weapons,...
Dec 21, 2015
Dec 21, 2015
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Videos and documentation provided by insider Scott Bennett, documenting the clandestine and illegal funding of ISIS terrorists by the USA.Key Points:°Reporters now in fear of association to Bennett, for this whistle blowing material.°Possible that Reporter Micheal Hastings had plans to share this.°"Booz Allen Hamilton was not interested in stopping terrorism but rather fund it through Swiss Banks."°Submitted this info to 100s of sources, as well as submitted this report to General...
Topics: Bashar al Assad, John Kerry, Free Syrian Army, Christian Williams, Syria, Assad, Chemical Weapons,...
Nov 10, 2015
Nov 10, 2015
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Rather than back down and admit their wrongdoing, the criminals who have infiltrated US government have apparently stepped up the pace of regular airdrops of weapons and supplies to ISIS - ISIL Islamic terrorist militant forces in Iraq and Syria. In effect, these criminals refuse to let the terrorists they created wither under the effective Russian - Syrian campaign to restore Syrian territory. They demand that the last tolerant, stable and secular government in the middle east must fall. ...
Topics: Bashar al Assad, John Kerry, Free Syrian Army, Syria, Assad, Chemical Weapons, Sarin, FSA, rebels,...
Aug 8, 2015
Aug 8, 2015
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An in-depth look at how some Israeli think tanks are looking at public diplomacy in the new social media sphere. This 2010 paper, publicly available on the internet, gives an in-depth view from an Israeli think tank of how a nation state can and should court public opinion online. From the preface: "This document presents the basic premise of the new media reality and the use of public diplomacy within it. It will also detail the new rules of this game, and present the main challenges and...
Topics: Public Diplomacy, Israel, Social Media
Dec 3, 2010
Dec 3, 2010
Sam Vaknin
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Part of the problem is the ephemeral nature of our raw materials. In the (near) past a leader, a businessman, an aristocrat - in short, the powers that be - would have likely used tangibles to assert and exert their power (land, clothes, status symbols, canons, even books). Today, we are all forced to use information that is being more and more digitized. This is a perishable commodity, a degradable weapon, an ethereal tool. It is unevenly distributed (corporations and governments have more...
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Topics: power, secrets, broadcasting, narrowcasting, hackers, diplomacy, leaks, wikileaks, State...
Aug 1, 2008
Aug 1, 2008
Paul Fucito
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This paper presented at The George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs on May 5, 2006, examines the media strategies of Al-Qaeda through several categories including: A Need for Publicity; Multiple Target Audiences; Propaganda & Rhetoric; Generation of Fear; Proof of Life; and Launching Attacks. The paper also analyzes Al-Qaeda's use of cyberspace to create a global community, expand the conflict, and train a network of global terrorists. This paper also addresses the...
Topics: Al-Qaeda, Al Qaeda's media strategies, Osama Bin Laden, terrorism, global terrorism, cyber...