The authors contend that the impact of the Cold War on multilateral organizations (especially UNESCO) as well as on the academic programs in Comparative and International Education or Development Studies in Education has been largely understudied. Both world-systems (USA and its allies, Soviet Union and its allies) laid claim on the project of world peace that UNESCO was meant to pursue. Furthermore, the boom in area, language and development studies in the 1960s was closely associated with the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, International Education, Comparative Education, Peace, Foreign Countries, Foreign...
At its Summer 2003 meeting, the Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF) engaged the questions of America's role in the post-Sept.11, 2001 world. Following a series of panel presentations, BHEF members specifically examined the important issues of sustaining, legitimating, and using American power. Six major foreign policy challenges facing the United States were identified: (1) Defeating Islamist terrorism; (2) Stemming the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; (3) Extending the benefits...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Global Approach, International Relations, Foreign Countries,...
For U.S. neo-idealists, the 1990s represented a moment to be seized, a time in which the strategies of conflict and confrontation of the Cold War period could be replaced by strategies designed to enhance cooperation among the nation-states. In 2001, the George W. Bush administration found itself in the position of continuing the same Bill Clinton era search for a strategic framework around which to organize U.S. foreign policy. Evidence of these policies can be found in four strategic...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Policy, Higher Education, International Relations, Literature Reviews,...
Focusing on James K. Polk's handling of the diplomatic crisis with Mexico, which followed his accession to office, and on the results of the Mexican War, this unit asks the student to evaluate Polk's actions. In the evaluation, the student must assess the responsibilities of presidential leadership and confront the implications of power in international affairs. Subsidiary questions include the relationship between the President and Congress in the making of foreign policy, the problem of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, American History, Area Studies, Curriculum Guides, Foreign Policy, History, History...
Focusing on the controversy which surrounded Thomas Jefferson and the Embargo of 1807, this social studies unit examines the numerous factors which affect presidential policy-making and leadership. The unit presents newspaper accounts of the boarding of the American frigate "Chesapeake" by the English in 1807 and enumerates the factors that influenced Jefferson's subsequent response to the situation--(1) Jefferson's temperament, his political philosophy and feelings about the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Curriculum Guides, Decision Making, Democratic Values, Foreign Policy, Leadership,...
Exploring the dilemma and responsibilities of power, this social studies unit begins with an article by a Chinese Communist who attacks America as aggressively imperialistic and ends with an article by an Englishman who lauds American imperialism. Sections of the unit discuss (1) the nature of imperialism, (2) the substance of European imperialism, as well as the political pressures and ideologies, at the end of the 19th century, (3) the imperialistic course taken in the early 20th century by...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Colonialism, Curriculum Guides, Developing Nations, Economic Factors, European...
This consultant paper is intended to provide information useful to a goal of this curriculum development project in the war/peace field, that is to encourage students to search intelligently for alternatives to war. The most fundamental assumptions used in thinking about international law are described, including some assumptions about systemic relationships. Several conceptual models of arrangements for management, settlement, or the outright prevention of conflict are presented to define...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Conceptual Schemes, Conflict Resolution, Court Litigation, Foreign Policy,...
This bibliography of approximately 300 citations dating from 1959 is concerned with Western Europe. It is divided into five main sections on: 1) Historical Perspective; 2) European Unity; 3) The Atlantic Alliance; 4) Country References; and, 5) Selected Periodicals. For information on the series see SO 005 913. Other bibliographies related to this one are SO 005 914 through SO 005 919. (OPH)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Area Studies, Bibliographies, Economic Climate, Economic Status, European History,...
Presentations from an International Seminar for Teachers organized at Rungstedgaard in October 1971 are included in this report. The study conference presented seven approaches to the teaching of world affairs: (1) the nation-state which is still dominant on the world scene; (2) the strategy and power-politics relationship between states; (3) the systems theory, in which an integrated complex of interdependent parts--such as the world transportation network--is studied as an interacting whole;...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Conflict Resolution, Curriculum Development, Foreign Policy, Futures (of Society),...
In this position paper the author examines truth in government. Examination of recent political events, especially in areas of foreign policy, reveals that the government has assumed the right to decide what truths are to be told and when they are to be told. To return to the principles developed by the members of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the government must become one of laws and not of men. Today it is possible for men in government to become greater than the laws they have...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Credibility, Federal Government, Foreign Policy, Government (Administrative Body),...
A constant theme running throughout this book is that the principles of Soviet military instruction are fundamentally different from the principles of training in western military establishments. The overriding concern of this theme is that purposefulness and the Communist Party approach are the essence of the entire Soviet educational process. Prepared in accordance with the program of the military pedagogy course of higher military political schools, the book covers the pedagogic foundations...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Armed Forces, Educational Methods, Educational Problems, Foreign Policy, Military...
If U.S. foreign policy is to be prudent and effective, it must cease relying on the doctrinaire images and cold war rhetoric of the past and take into account five intactable problems, none of them specifically military, that the Soviet Union faces. These problems are: (1) unabating deficiencies in its economy; (2) a precarious battle with communist orthodoxy and alliance management in Eastern Europe; (3) a jittery relationship with China; (4) an adverse shift in the balance of world power; and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Communism, Economic Climate, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, Global Approach,...
Anwar el-Sadat's speaking style became a key factor in his ability to maintain a balance between the goals essential to Egypt's future and the position taken by Israelis in the settlement of the Mideast conflict. Three speeches (two addressing the Egyptian National Assembly, one the Israeli Knesset) were examined to explore the rhetorical choices Sadat made as he addressed different cultural audiences. The study shows that as Egypt's position improved, Sadat's use of ornate language increased,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Discourse Analysis, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, Intercultural Communication,...