This paper proposes that a nation's major national interests do not change abruptly, but instead are relatively fixed and are dictated to a great extent by international political, economic and military realities. The dangers of apparent abandonment, or failure to recognize the importance, of a nation's long-term vital interests are pointed out, and historical examples discussed. Characteristic weaknesses of US foreign policy are elucidated and some corrective measures are suggested for the...
The last eight years have created radical realignments in Australia's political landscape. The Prime Minister's bitterest enemies are precisely the same people who would once have been Australian Liberalism's stalwarts. The author writes on the legacy of Australia's culture wars. For responses, see EJ848173: "Aussie Battler, or Worldly Opportunist?" ( James Walter); EJ848174: "Mr Howard Goes to Washington--and Brings Home Victory" (Dennis Glover); and EJ848175:...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Middle Class, Higher Education, Terrorism, National Security,...
This study was designed to investigate the fears of children and adolescents in Alabama in the aftermath of 9/11 and after the initial invasion of Iraq in 2003. The American Fear Survey Schedule for Children (FSSC-AM; Burnham, 1995, 2005) was utilized to measure the fears of youth in Grades 2-12. (Contains 4 tables.)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Fear, Student Surveys, National Security, Safety, Anxiety Disorders, Stress...
Recent events and trends in world affairs have focused attention upon the issue of inter-state economic conflict and possible national security implications in the decade ahead. In this context, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) took the initiative within the Department of Defense (DOD) to sponsor a workshop which would bring together key individuals from Government, the academic community, and the private research sector for purposes of exploring and discussing the national security...
Topics: DTIC Archive, Minckler, Rex D., Rebh, Richard G., OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH ARLINGTON VA, *NATIONAL...
Since 1966, the United States and Indonesia have developed a friendly and cooperative relationship based on a pagmatic appreciation of mutual interest. Although there are disturbing questions about future Indonesian internal stability, US interests are such that a continued American positive response to Indonesian security requirements, particularly in terms of military assistance, is desirable.
For a period of more than 25 years, this series of publications has provided an authoritative and reasonably comprehensive source of information about Federal activities in education. The present bulletin, Federal Funds for Education, 1958-59 and 1959-60, is the 15th in the series. It describes educational programs supported by the Federal Government and gives tabular summaries of the Federal funds provided. Compilations of amounts for the individual States in the 1958-59 and, if available, for...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Finance, Federal Government, Federal Aid, Financial Support, Program...
This bulletin is the twelfth in the Office of Education series on Federal funds for education issued biennially since 1933 to 1934. In the present report, figures are given for the two most recent years if they are available. In some instances, expenditure figures for the 1953 to 1954 school year will not be reported until later, and it is unsatisfactory to the Federal offices to report allotment or budget figures. For these, the most recent data reported are for the 1952 to 1953 school year....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Finance, Expenditures, Federal Aid, Budgets, Information Sources, Federal...
This Fact Sheet reports findings from an ongoing study of the representation of 9/11 and terrorism in curricula, textbooks, and state standards documents. The study was conducted in three stages. The first two stages focused on how supplemental curricula and best-selling social studies textbooks published between 2002-2010 present the events of 9/11 and their aftermath to secondary school students. In 2011, a third stage of the study was added. This stage extended the previous ones by including...
Topics: ERIC Archive, United States History, Terrorism, Air Transportation, Suicide, Curriculum...
As of January 2012, more than 850,000 active foreign students were in the United States enrolled at over 10,000 U.S. schools. ICE, within DHS, is responsible for managing SEVP and certifying schools to accept foreign students. GAO was asked to review ICE's fraud prevention and detection procedures for SEVP. This report examines the extent to which ICE has (1) identified and assessed risks in SEVP and 2) developed and implemented policies and procedures to prevent and detect fraud during the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Students, Investigations, National Security, Risk, Certification,...
Feb 20, 2016
Feb 20, 2016
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Newsweek February 19, 2016 USA
Topics: levin, newsweek, arthur, boko, haram, email, rice, amira, hamilton, boko haram, foreign policy,...
For U.S. neo-idealists, the 1990s represented a moment to be seized, a time in which the strategies of conflict and confrontation of the Cold War period could be replaced by strategies designed to enhance cooperation among the nation-states. In 2001, the George W. Bush administration found itself in the position of continuing the same Bill Clinton era search for a strategic framework around which to organize U.S. foreign policy. Evidence of these policies can be found in four strategic...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Policy, Higher Education, International Relations, Literature Reviews,...
The paper examines arms transfer policies, patterns, and trends since World War I and determines their role as a function of international power and diplomacy. It determines the relationship between arms trade and overall trade patterns. Factors affecting US arms sales to other countries are explored, with focus on the relationship between arms sales and US security. The paper discusses the interrelationship of arms trade patterns and alliance arrangements, with attention given to the benefits,...
The memorandum discusses developments which have created the necessity to reevaluate the strategic importance of the South Atlantic. Soviet policy in Africa and Soviet capabilities in the South Atlantic may threaten long-range NATO and US interests in the area, but the results will have more immediate political than military importance. Several US policy options are considered. The conclusion is that the United States should not seek new, formal military alliances in the region; however,...
Foreign Policy March April 2015 03 04
Topics: nuclear, numec, radiation, united, international, weapons, tion, shapiro, russian, nuclear weapons,...
Contents: Honorable Eugene V. McAuliffe US-USSR Competition and Evolving Balances of Power; The US-USSR Strategic Equation -- Strategic and major substrategic forces; The Third World and US-Soviet Relationships; The People's Republic of China and the US-Soviet Relationships; Economic Interdependence and the US-Soviet Relationships; and International Technology Transfers.
This memorandum discusses current trends in socioeconomic and political change in Central America and the Caribbean as they relate to US interests in the region and to US national security policy. The conclusion is that the development and maintenance of viable nation-states that are favorably disposed to the United States are goals of fundamental importance, due to the area's proximity and because of the conviction that viable nation-states stand a better chance of maintaining their security....
Topics: DTIC Archive, Fischbach,Lee C, Marcella,Gabriel, ARMY WAR COLL STRATEGIC STUDIES INST CARLISLE...
After a brief recapitulation of the concepts and methodology for arriving at calculations of the extent of military commitment of the countries of the world, tables of the indicators of the extent of commitment by the United States and the United Kingdom for 1968 and for 1974 are presented. Discussion of the data and further analyses of groupings of commitments are given.
Contents: Beyond the Open Door -- U.S. Policy and Access to Global Resources (Rept. no. HI-2148-DP); Averting Economic Warfare in Raw Materials -- U.S. Agriculture as a Blue Chip; Changing American Foreign Policy in the Middle East -- An Analysis (Rept. no. HI-2195/2-P); Iraq as a Soviet Proxy on the Persian Gulf in the Next Decade (Rept. no. HI-2168-P); and Energy in the Third World (Rept. no. HI-2094-P).
Topics: DTIC Archive, Arad, Uzi B, Smernoff, Barry J, HUDSON INST CROTON-ON-HUDSON NY, *INTERNATIONAL...
In this volume the primary intent is to uncover the objective functional relationship between import and export dependencies as they affect the reliability of supply in the past and the future. Until recently, under the aegis of American hegemony, and due to the role the oil multinationals played, both oil exporting and oil importing countries exhibited a sufficiently high degree of dependence on the trade in oil to bring about a symmetry in their reciprocal conditions. The manipulation of oil...
Topics: DTIC Archive, Arad, Uzi B, Smernoff, Barry J, HUDSON INST CROTON-ON-HUDSON NY, *INTERNATIONAL...
This report sets down the results of research on some of the significant problems relating to energy and national security. The emphasis taken by this study goes beyond the more obvious first-order issues, previously analyzed. It deals with less obvious but increasingly important problems, and including: (1) The relationship of the security of oil supplies to prevailing market conditions in the past and in the future; (2) The more general question of access to non-oil global resources and U.S....
Topics: DTIC Archive, Arad, Uzi B, Smernoff, Barry J, HUDSON INST CROTON-ON-HUDSON NY, *INTERNATIONAL...
Jan 22, 2015
Jan 22, 2015
Paul, Ron
eye 103
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Topics: war, foreign, policy, american, iraq, congress, military, united, government, troops, foreign...
Knowing that national leaders frequently make decisions based on perceptions of their country's interests, the 1984 conference focused on national interests in turning to the United Nations. Through the use of case studies, participants examined the performance of the UN system and the consequences of member nations ignoring their obligation to resolve disputes peacefully. Lessons were drawn from the study of actual conflicts: chiefly, that the United Nations can be used more effectively to...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Case Studies, Conflict Resolution, Foreign Policy, International Organizations,...
This examination of the treatment given to peace and security issues in American social studies textbooks begins by summarizing the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Curriculum Guidelines and a 1983 study of high school social studies topic priorities. Following a review of past textbook studies and a brief discussion of textbook treatment of foreign policy, the paper uses four major topics (propaganda, U.S./Latin American relations, the war in Vietnam, and nuclear war) to...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Comparative Analysis, Controversial Issues (Course Content), Foreign Policy, National...
Proceedings are summarized of a conference in which 62 foreign policy professionals met to recommend strategies for peace in the areas of U.S.-Soviet competition in the Third World, space weapons and arms control, objectives of U.S. economic and security assistance, and the United States and UNESCO. Four sections focusing on each of these areas are presented. Section 1 examines the history and development of U. S. and Soviet policies toward the Third World, identifies regions with the greatest...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Conflict Resolution, Developed Nations, Developing Nations, Disarmament, Economic...
Steps the United States is taking to lessen the danger of war while building international confidence and security are described. The commitment of the United States to arms control is based on the conviction that the United States and the Soviet Union have a common interest in the avoidance of nuclear war and the survival of the human race. A responsible national security policy must include both strong deterrence and active pursuit of arms control. Described in this guide are the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Disarmament, Foreign Policy, International Relations, National Defense, National...
The third of three annual assessments concentrating on the relationship between the world economy and its environmental support systems, this edition expands earlier themes on how economic demands of a world population approaching 5 billion affects the earth's natural systems and resources to embrace threats to security as well. The first of 11 sections, "A Generation of Deficits" (Lester R. Brown) examines not only deficits and debts in the United States, but in other countries as...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Agricultural Trends, Developed Nations, Developing Nations, Disarmament, Ecological...
This summary pamphlet was prepared from tape recordings of sessions at the second Forum on Federal Information Policies, which opened with an introduction and program overview by Carol A. Nemeyer, and a keynote address by Congressman Mervyn M. Dymally. The first panel session, International Influences on Federal Information Policies, with Jane Bornick presiding, included: "Department of Defense (DOD) Publication Policy" (Leo Young); "National Security Controls on Scientific...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, Government (Administrative Body), International...
This report consists of an executive summary and five chapters. Chapter 1, an introduction, discusses the potential advantages and disadvantages of cooperation in space. Chapter 2 outlines the history of United States-Soviet cooperation in space, and the policy debates which have taken place in the U.S. since the beginning of the space age. It focuses on lateral intergovernmental U.S.-Soviet space cooperation, as a background to analyzing policy issues facing Congress today and the kinds of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Cooperative Programs, Foreign Policy, International Cooperation, National Security,...
Appropriate for secondary school social studies or community programs, this publication considers United States-Soviet conflict. The first of four sections, "US-Soviet Relations at the Crossroads," looks at different American perceptions of the Soviet Union. "Regional Conflicts, Global Ambitions" focuses on Nicaragua as a case study of increasing Soviet influence that has arisen in other areas over the past 40 years and considers how the United States should respond to this...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Adult Education, Citizen Participation, Conflict, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy,...
Effective citizen participation implies the acquisition of skills and knowledge necessary for discussing and deciding national security issues. This book was developed to provide teachers with resources to design and strengthen national security education. The 30 self-contained lessons supplement and enrich current textbook treatment of national security issues rooted in U.S. history. The text outlines national security topics beginning with the writing of the U.S. Constitution and continuing...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Civil War (United States), Foreign Policy, High Schools, Instructional Materials,...
Forty years ago, George F. Kennan advanced the doctrine of containment against Soviet encroachment throughout the world. The Soviet Union has evolved from a Eurasian land power into a global superpower. In an effort to create an international environment congenial to domestic reforms, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has sought greater tranquility along Soviet borders. He seeks to exploit latent anti-nuclear sentiment in Europe and to challenge the conceptual underpinnings of Western deterrence....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Diplomatic History, Disarmament, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, International...
Designed to explore the interests and objectives of U.S. foreign policy, this book addresses: (1) national security and arms control; (2) economic programs and trends; (3) human rights efforts; (4) science and technological developments; (5) relationships with various world regions; and (6) the need for an adequate foreign affairs budget. Chapter 1, "The Interests and Objectives of American Foreign Policy" considers the Reagan administration's role as a global force for prosperity,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Budgets, Civil Rights, Disarmament, Economic Development, Foreign Countries, Foreign...
For 40 years the primary objectives of U.S. policy in the Persian Gulf have been to assure access by the industrialized nations to the region's oil and to prevent those resources from falling under the control of the Soviet Union or any other hostile power. The recent events in Iran, the Iran-Iraq War and its aftermath, the maneuvering of a powerful post-war Iraq, increasing Soviet activism, and the proliferation of chemical weapons and ballistic missiles call for an examination of what...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Disarmament, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, International Relations, National...