Jul 4, 2007
Independent Games Summit
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A lecture from the 2007 Independent Games Summit, held at the Game Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco, March 2007: The Casual Cash Cow? (Eric Zimmerman, Gamelab) The Gamelab co-founder (Diner Dash) talks about how the indie aesthetic/mentality interacts with the casual market (and vice versa), in the best talk on casual games outside of the Casual Games Summit, talking about some of the things that helped Gamelab stay focused and alive in the casual and indie games market, such as...
Topics: IGS, IGS 2007, GDC, GDC 2007, GDC Lecture, Independent Games Summit, Eric Zimmerman, Gamelab, Diner...
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Part of the 2007 Independent Games Summit, held at the Game Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco, March 2007: 'Building The Future of Indie Games' Panel (Greg Costikyan, Manifesto Games; Mark Morris, Introversion; Eric Zimmerman, Gamelab; Derek Yu, Bit Blot; Moderator: Simon Carless, IGF) "In a much more wide-ranging discussion, we look at the next two, five, or even ten years for the independent games movement. How will the opportunities to make a living change? Where is the...
Jun 18, 2007
CMP Technology
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A lecture from the 2007 Independent Games Summit, held at the Game Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco, March 2007: Physics Games Go Indie (Matthew Wegner, Flashbang Studios) Wegner, who is both an indie developer and runs the physics game blog Fun-Motion, explains why real-time physics are such a big part of many innovative independent games, with demonstrations and practical tips for developers wanting to use physics to make their games stand out.
Topics: IGS, IGS 2007, GDC, GDC 2007, GDC Lecture, Independent Games Summit, Matthew Wegner, Flashbang...
Sep 11, 2007
Independent Games Summit
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Part of the 2007 Independent Games Summit, held at the Game Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco, March 2007: Marketing For Indies (Russell Carroll, Reflexive/GameTunnel) Want your game to be the one everyone is talking about? Interested in increasing how many copies you've sold? Russell Carroll, who heads up marketing for Wik & The Fable Of Souls creator Reflexive, and also founded key indie game press site GameTunnel, discusses how to maximize your buzz and sales opportunities....
Topics: IGS, IGS 2007, GDC, GDC 2007, GDC Lecture, Independent Games Summit, Russell Carroll, Reflexive,...
Aug 30, 2007
Independent Games Summit
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Part of the 2007 Independent Games Summit, held at the Game Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco, March 2007: Indie Prototyping, Braid, & Making Innovative Games (Jonathan Blow, Number None) Former Game Developer magazine code columnist and 2006 IGF Design Innovation winner Jonathan Blow, the creator of innovative time-manipulating platform title Braid, discusses the deliberate methodology behind his indie game prototyping. He shows how he conceives, develops, and tests out indie...
Topics: IGS, IGS 2007, GDC, GDC 2007, GDC Lecture, Independent Games Summit, Indie, Braid, Prototyping,...
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A lecture from the 2007 Independent Games Summit, held at the Game Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco, March 2007: Making An Indie MMO (Daniel James, Three Rings) The business and creative mind behind games such as Puzzle Pirates and Bang! Howdy discusses the practical logistics of handling heavily invested online game players as an independent developer, discussing elements such as when and how to update content, community management and keeping players interested, how to approach...
Jun 25, 2007
Independent Games Summit
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A lecture from the 2007 Independent Games Summit, held at the Game Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco, March 2007: Postmortem: Gastronaut Studios' Small Arms (Jacob Van Wingen, Don Wurster, Gastronaut) The creators of Xbox 360 Live Arcade stand-out title Small Arms, previous veterans of XBLA from their work with Fuzzee Fever on the original Xbox Live Arcade, talk about what went right and what wrong during the development of the frenetic multiplayer shooter, giving plenty of insight...
Topics: IGS, IGS 2007, GDC, GDC 2007, GDC Lecture, Independent Games Summit, Jacob Van Wingen, Don Wurster,...
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Part of the 2007 Independent Games Summit, held at the Game Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco, March 2007: Innovation in Indie Games (Kyle Gabler, Experimental Gameplay Project; Jenova Chen, ThatGameCompany; Jon Mak, Queasy Games; Jon Blow, Number-None; Moderator - Steve Swink, Flashbang Studios) Join the luminary creators of the Experimental Gameplay Project at CMU, IGF-winning Braid, and the brilliant Everyday Shooter as they dissect innovation in indie games. How do we generate...
Jul 2, 2007
Independent Games Summit
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A lecture from the 2007 Independent Games Summit, held at the Game Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco, March 2007: Episodic Gaming For Indies (Dave Grossman & Kevin Bruner, Telltale Games) Telltale's CTO and design lead talk about their experiences as an indie developing the Sam & Max and Bone series as PC episodic titles, explaining what the company learnt and what other indies should know about the pros and cons of episodic gaming.
Topics: IGS, IGS 2007, GDC, GDC 2007, GDC Lecture, Independent Games Summit, Episodic Gaming, Telltale...
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Part of the 2007 Independent Games Summit, held at the Game Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco, March 2007: Our Journey From Narbacular Drop To Portal (Kim Swift, Valve) In this lecture, the team which made IGF Student Showcase winner Narbacular Drop talk about the making of the innovative title, tips for student developers, how the entire team got picked up by Valve to make Portal using the Source Engine, and exactly how they've transitioned from student indie creators to continued...
Sep 1, 2013
The Dumping Union
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Footage of a rare Chinese bootleg PGM cartridge based on Knights of Valour. Captured from the PCB by The Dumping Union. http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Number=300935 We got...I'll call it Street Fighter Vs. Knights of Valour until someone translates the sticker (PGM cart). It's a version of KOV with Street Fighter characters. Yes it rules that hard. Try not to wet yourself if possible. Especially if you read this on a phone in public, do not engage in public urination. All...
Topics: Street Fighter, Knights of Valour, 乱世街霸, Luan Shi Jie Ba, IGS, PGM, bootleg, video game,...
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Returning from last year's IGS, the Creatrilogy hour will present a scattering of ideas on the hows and whys of game making, the way only indies can. David Kanaga (composer, DYAD, Proteus) will talk about his approach to video games as music "objects." Tom Betts (aka Nullpointer) will show how we can apply Kant's notion of the 'mathematical & dynamic sublime' to developing procedural and emergent games. Drawing on his experience in collaborating with artist Marina Abramovic,...
Topic: GDC