The branding of national higher education systems is a global trend that has become increasingly common over the last decade. One of the main motives driving this trend is the view that branding a national higher education system will increase that country's market share of international students. This is evident as national higher education systems compete against one another in a high-stakes battle for international students by attempting to differentiate themselves in the marketplace of...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Foreign Students, Foreign Policy, Institutional Advancement, Labor...
The IADIS CELDA 2012 Conference intention was to address the main issues concerned with evolving learning processes and supporting pedagogies and applications in the digital age. There had been advances in both cognitive psychology and computing that have affected the educational arena. The convergence of these two disciplines is increasing at a fast pace and affecting academia and professional practice in many ways. Paradigms such as just-in-time learning, constructivism, student-centered...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Academic Achievement, Academic Persistence, Academic Support Services, Access to...
In 2000 in Dakar, 164 countries reaffirmed the vision of the World Declaration on Education for All (Jomtien, 1990), that all children, young people and adults have the human right to benefit from an education that will meet their basic learning needs in the best and fullest sense of the term, an education that includes learning to know, to do, to live together and to be. Four of the six goals that the global community committed to achieve until 2015 encompassed life-long learning and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Case Studies, International Education, Lifelong Learning,...
In the face of compelling challenges, the Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE), the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), as well as the national education coalitions in Asia, have levelled up efforts in the past five years to advance the right of all citizens to quality education and learning opportunities throughout their lives. Their vehicle was a global programme called the Real World Strategies (RWS) that built capacities of multiple stakeholders in...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Advocacy, Sustainable Development, Poverty, Quality of Life,...
The "ISSS Annual Conference Proceedings" is a peer-reviewed professional publication published once a year following the annual conference. (Individual papers contain references.) [For the 2009 proceedings, see ED504973.]
Topics: ERIC Archive, Social Studies, Proverbs, Social Justice, Global Approach, Photography, Visual Aids,...
The American Institutes for Research's (AID's) International Development Program (IDP) seeks to enhance the capacity of developing countries to improve the quality of life through education and social development. Its work is based on a strong belief in the transformative power of education--that by providing children the opportunity to learn and receive quality instruction, by sharing proven tools and strategies with local government, and by helping communities recognize their own potential...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Quality of Life, Program Effectiveness, Social Change, Social Development,...
There has been a worldwide growth of interest among governments and international agencies in cross-national studies of the quality of education. However, such studies require careful planning, and have far-reaching implications for all concerned. Ministries of education should only become involved if they are prepared to actively engage in designing the studies and managing the impact of the research. In 2004, UNESCO's International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) and Germany's...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Program Effectiveness, Foreign Countries, Educational Quality, Educational Planning,...
This report of a study at the University of Maryland describes an international, interactive, and interdisciplinary project for first- and second-year students, which combines a large lecture format with small-group, seminar-type sessions organized around a computer-assisted simulation model, the International Communication and Negotiation Simulation (ICONS). Students learned about negotiation strategies through case studies and materials on cross-cultural communication. Strategies were tested...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Active Learning, Case Studies, Computer Assisted Instruction, Computer Simulation,...
The study concludes that the demonstrative and discrete use of the armed forces for political objectives should not be an option which decision-makers turn to frequently, nor quickly, to secure political objectives abroad, except under very special circumstances. Over the longer term these uses of the armed forces were not an effective foreign policy instrument.
Topics: DTIC Archive, Blechman,Barry M, Kaplan,Stephen S, BROOKINGS INSTITUTION WASHINGTON D C, *MILITARY...
Centering around case studies of American military intervention (1898 to 1933) in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Nicaragua, this unit invites the student to compare the results of such intervention with the foreign policy goals and ideals the interventions were intended to implement. It confronts him with the dilemma of power in international affairs, with the difficulties inherent in executing foreign policy, with the problem of misunderstanding and misinterpretation caused by differences...
Topics: ERIC Archive, American History, Case Studies, Democratic Values, Foreign Policy, Induction,...
This publication has been produced as a part of the overall research program undertaken by the Department of the Army to improve the capability of the United States Army to conduct PSYOP/information programs under a variety of circumstances in many different environments. The major focus of attention has been placed on psychological operations of military relevance, with special emphasis on the types of activities that may confront U.S. personnel in the two decades ahead. In content, the...
Topics: DTIC Archive, De McLaurin, Ronald, Rosenthal, Carl F., Skillings, Sarah A., AMERICAN INSTITUTES FOR...
To identify why developing countries have inadequate abilities to establish sound financial management in the public sector, a study of five Latin American countries in varying developmental stages was conducted. The review of U.S. assistance activities and all other programs designed to provide the countries visited with indigenous financial and management expertise was planned and executed as a case study. A symposium followed in which a panel of experts reviewed results to define existing...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Case Studies, Developing Nations, Educational Needs, Educational Programs, Federal...
Knowing that national leaders frequently make decisions based on perceptions of their country's interests, the 1984 conference focused on national interests in turning to the United Nations. Through the use of case studies, participants examined the performance of the UN system and the consequences of member nations ignoring their obligation to resolve disputes peacefully. Lessons were drawn from the study of actual conflicts: chiefly, that the United Nations can be used more effectively to...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Case Studies, Conflict Resolution, Foreign Policy, International Organizations,...
Based on the book, "South Africa: Time Running Out," a report of the Study Commission on U.S. Policy Toward Southern Africa, this 10-20 day unit of study is designed to help high school students learn about the history, geography, and present situation in South Africa and its relationship to the United States. The first of four sections provides basic background information, including an opening article describing a 1983 controversy over the proposed visit of a South African school...
Topics: ERIC Archive, African History, Blacks, Case Studies, Civil Liberties, Controversial Issues (Course...