This profile uniquely presents a variety of educational and socioeconomic information for Mendocino County, nearby counties, and the state. The profile highlights the relationship between various factors that affect the economic well-being of individuals and communities. This presentation of information provides a framework for enhanced communication and collaboration between the myriad agencies, at both the state and local level, that have responsibility for education, economic development,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Profiles, Counties, Income, High School Graduates, Educational Attainment, Student...
This curriculum resource guide allows students to interpret key historical events and trends from the perspectives of a variety of cultural, linguistic, and ethnic groups. The 35 learning activities represent suggested approaches for teaching Units 7 and 8 of the New York State Grades 7 and 8 syllabus. Each unit is comprehensive, divided into topical learning activities. Focus questions, teacher background materials, major ideas, concepts, performance objectives, development strategies and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Family History, Grade 8, Immigration, Instructional Materials, Junior High Schools,...
Broadband touches nearly every aspect of the U.S. economy, providing Americans with unprecedented opportunities in employment, education, health care, entrepreneurship, and civic participation. For millions of Americans without adequate access to broadband, however, the possibility of falling behind in the knowledge-based economy is real. Recognizing this concern, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided $7.2 billion to stimulate economic growth and create jobs by expanding the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Federal Legislation, Federal Aid, Economic Opportunities, Telecommunications,...
Newark is one of 31 urban school districts in New Jersey known as Abbott districts. As an Abbott district, Newark receives funding to equalize its per student general education budget with the most successful suburban districts in the state. Through a series of indicators, the Newark Abbott Indicators Report presents the status of educational reforms and student progress. The report is intended to: (1) Inform people in Newark about the status of school improvement efforts and student outcomes;...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Facilities, Educational Improvement, Outcomes of Education, Educational...
The education pipeline in the United States will not produce enough college graduates to stay competitive in the global economy unless current trends are reversed (Callan, Ewell, Finney, & Jones, 2007). The fastest-growing populations--generally low-income and often from racial or ethnic minority groups--do not have the aspirations, academic preparation, or means to successfully pursue higher education. They leave high school, enroll in college, and complete postsecondary credentials at...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Credentials, Higher Education, Low Income, Global Approach, College Graduates,...
Today's rural leaders are becoming increasingly attuned to the fact that high achieving schools and related human capital investment strategies are key ingredients in the promotion of sustainable development at the local level. Serious challenges often await rural areas that seek to pursue such efforts. As a case in point, if rural schools are successful in producing well-educated students, they run the risk of accelerating the exodus of talented youth to the larger cities that offer higher...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Role of Education, Skilled Workers, Sustainable Development, Talent, Rural Schools,...
The purpose of Even Start, as outlined in federal legislation, is to help break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and low literacy by providing a unified family literacy program for low-income families. Even Start has three related goals: (1) to help parents improve their literacy or basic education skills; (2) to help parents become full partners in educating their children; and (3) to assist children in reaching their full potential as learners. An Even Start family literacy program is...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Program Effectiveness, Early Childhood Education, Literacy Education, Federal...
This document is the latest in a series of annual publications that describe collections, staffing, expenditures, and service activities for the 123 members of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Of these, 113 are university libraries, the remaining 10 are public, governmental, and nonprofit research libraries. Data reported by member libraries is presented in a series of tables. In addition, trends in service activities, serial unit costs, and ownership and access are highlighted and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Unit Costs, Statistics, Research Libraries, Libraries, Academic Libraries,...
This report focuses on the role of the college-preparatory curriculum in improving the academic achievement and college readiness of students from high schools in the member districts of the Council of the Great City Schools. Specifically, the report addresses the following questions: (1) Is taking a core college-preparatory curriculum and additional courses beyond the core associated with increased academic achievement and college readiness for urban students?; and (2) Is greater readiness for...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Urban Schools, Core Curriculum, Academic Achievement, Enrollment Trends, High School...
The author provides a response to the question of ongoing potential for civic engagement programs such as Carnegie's Political Engagement Project if voting among young adults soars in the upcoming election, and concludes that need for continued efforts will remain strong even if voting among 18-30 year olds shoots up in November. Beaumont maintains that voting increases among the young would not necessarily represent a stable shift towards greater participation, nor would it indicate that the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Citizenship, Voting, Democracy, Citizenship Education, Governance, Young Adults,...
This report examines degree and certificate attainment and transfers into the California State University and the University of California for a selected group of first-time freshmen in the California Community Colleges. It is the first in a series on this accountability measure and is presented as part of the Commission's "Accountability Framework" for California postsecondary education. Too few community college students are earning two-year degrees, certificates or transferring to...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Community Colleges, Accountability, Educational Attainment, Research Reports, College...
This report is the third in a series of measure reports that examine the economic, civic, and social development of the state by its systems of higher education. This report measures degrees awarded in selected areas of employment against workforce demand. The report found: (1) California's postsecondary schools are not producing enough graduates with baccalaureate degrees to meet a growing demand by employers of workers with computer-related professional skills; (2) Overall there appears to be...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, College Graduates, Education Work Relationship, Engineering,...
The changes faced by the society in the past few decades brought revolution in all areas. The job requirements have undergone change tremendously. The emergence of e-culture, e-education, e-governance, e-training, e-work sites and so on questioned the capacity of conventional face to face education in catering to all and relevance of existing job related skills to a great extent in the emerging global society. Today, every one has to update his/her educational and/or professional skills and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Open Education, Distance Education, Educational Opportunities,...
In this unit, elementary students design and build a lunar plant growth chamber using the Engineering Design Process. The purpose of the unit is to help students understand and apply the design process as it relates to plant growth on the moon. This guide includes six lessons, which meet a number of national standards and benchmarks in Technological Literacy, Science, Science Literacy, Mathematics, Social Studies, and English Language Arts: (1) Natural Resources on Earth; (2) Exploring the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Plants (Botany), Lunar Research, National Standards, Astronomy, Engineering,...
This short paper examined the effects of marriage on eligibility for student assistance programs. Being married as a student has a number of possible effects on eligibility for student assistance depending on one's age and the employment status of one's partner. A few are positive; they result in greater eligibility for assistance. Some are neutral; they result in no change in student assistance eligibility. Among the most common results, however, is vastly decreased eligibility for student...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Employment Level, Eligibility, Educational Finance, Marriage, Student Financial Aid,...
Related literature indicates that the Internet has an important role and great potential in foreign language learning. It is also obvious that attitudes of learners affect learning process significantly. This study aimed to investigate the attitudes of foreign language learners and to find the relationship between attitudes and subject variables. A background questionnaire, a test on Internet information and a survey were administered to 115 foreign language learners. Data gathered were...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Second Language Learning, Internet, English (Second Language), Computer Attitudes,...
This article analyses the relationship between the face-to-face and the online components of a blended course in Educational Technology, run by the Institute for Educational Technology for the local Postgraduate School for Secondary Teaching. The course designers developed criteria for harmonising and integrating the two educational modalities, with the aim to take advantage of their specific features. These criteria derive from a multidimensional model that comprises four aspects: course...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Learning Strategies, Educational Technology, Web Based Instruction, Computer Uses in...
This initial study focused on high school students' experiences about their understanding of, and abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry, two foci emphasized by the National Science Education Standards in the strand on "science as inquiry". The research method consisted of Likert-scale survey with space provided for students' comments about the two parallel foci of science as inquiry. The data were collected from 45 students (29 females and 16 males) from Grades 9 to 12. The...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Information Technology, Science Education, High School Students, Student Experience,...
This report describes some of the key immediate and long-term outcomes achieved by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)-Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Summer Institute for Math/Science/Technology for student and teacher participants. This two-week summer program provides high school students and teachers from the Appalachian region the opportunity to work with mentor scientists from ORNL on inquiry-based, applied projects in science, math, and computer technology. The goals of the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, High School Students, Evaluators, Summer Programs, Laboratories, Science and Society,...
A 2007 Association of Research Libraries (ARL) survey indicates that research libraries are rapidly developing publishing services: 65 percent of 80 responding ARL member libraries currently deliver or are in processing of planning these services. Established journal titles dominate this emerging publishing sector and are the main drivers of service development, although new titles are also being produced. In the search for transformative approaches to scholarly publishing, research library...
Topics: ERIC Archive, University Presses, Research Libraries, Copyrights, Business, Models, Faculty...
Can textbook exercises be transformed into problem solving activities that encourage students to develop mathematical thinking? This study documents what high school students showed when they were explicitly asked to use technological tools to examine and solve a routine problem from different angles or perspectives. In this process, students dealt with several representations that were important to analyze and quantify concepts of variation or change attached to the problem, in terms of models...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Problem Solving, Secondary School Mathematics, High School Students, Mathematics...
The Internet and computer technology have altered the education landscape. Online courses are offered throughout the world. Learning about the experiences of faculty members is important to guide practitioners and administrators. Using qualitative research methodology, this study investigated the experiences of faculty members teaching online courses. A convenience sampling was used to select the instructional technology faculty members to investigate their experiences in online courses....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Distance Education, Qualitative Research, Online Courses, Educational Technology,...
This report examines the timing of teaching careers of 1992-93 college graduates at three points during the 10 years after graduation. It answers questions about the characteristics of graduates who enter and leave teaching, focusing specifically on their demographic characteristics, academic preparation, teacher working conditions, and compensation. The report uses data from a longitudinal study of students who earned a bachelor's degree in any field during the 1992-93 academic year. Base-year...
Topics: ERIC Archive, College Graduates, Bachelors Degrees, Teachers, Career Choice, Gender Differences,...
The academic persistence of students in higher education continues to be a critical issue among academicians. Emphasized in previous studies is the recognition that intuitional variables do influence students' decisions to persist in attaining their educational goals. However, little or no past research exists on the effects of the higher education classroom on student persistence and satisfaction. For this reason it seemed feasible to identify institutional variables cited in relevant...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Academic Persistence, Classroom Environment, Satisfaction, Student...
Few schools escape dynamics and behaviors that are associated with gangs. Think, for example, about bullying, disruptive intergroup conflicts, drug sales and abuse, and vandalism such as theft, graffiti, and other forms of property damage. From both a policy and practice perspective, it is essential for schools to understand and address gang-related problems that interfere with productive schooling. Drawing on recent documents from authoritative resources, the first section of this policy and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Juvenile Gangs, Delinquency Prevention, Juvenile Justice, Youth, School Policy,...
An expanded investigation of the time it takes training budgets in five, now seven, industries to respond to changes in market demand and productive activity. A serious question, this reflects directly on the ability of the American economy to respond to changes in economic environment. Results indicate that for three of the five initial industries studied, the length of lag between change in demand and median adjustment to it is far longer than previously measured. (Contains 2 tables.)
Topics: ERIC Archive, Industry, Economic Change, Budgets, Job Training, Labor Force Development,...
This article begins with an examination of the early building blocks of intelligence and learning through signs and symbols, such as examined by Vygotsky and Freire. Then the inquiry moves into methods of achieving resonance as praxis of learning as expanded on by Freire, and connecting with students by addressing their multiple intelligences as described by Gardner, as well as their level of emotional intelligence as proposed by Goleman. Next is a brief consideration of the role of intention...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Signs, Semiotics, Multiple Intelligences, Emotional Intelligence, Epistemology,...
One of the generally accepted premises of current economic thinking is that a large and expanding proportion of growth is tied to what has come to be known as the "knowledge economy" or equivalently, the innovation sector. Despite recent U.S. Census Bureau data indicating that Latinos now constitute the largest minority group of the U.S. population, their representation in science and engineering jobs and/or in the science and engineering educational pipeline is quite low,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, High School Graduates, Policy Analysis, Information Technology, Hispanic Americans,...
A mini-lesson in Spanish vocabulary was taught to undergraduates unfamiliar with the language using one of two predominant L2 teaching methodologies, the grammar-translation approach or the communicative approach. Both experimental groups showed significant improvement in learning the target language over the baseline measure set by the control group, but no significant differences were observed between the two experimental groups. Working memory efficiency appeared to be related to L2...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Undergraduate Students, Spanish, Second Language Learning, Second Language...
"Network News" provides an overview of technology's impact on postsecondary education. Particular attention is paid to recent studies looking at distance education and access. This issue contains the following articles: (1) New NCES Report: Distance Education at Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions 2000-2001; (2) How Does Technology Affect Access in Postsecondary Education? (Ron Phipps); (3) Elements of a Successful Virtual College/University; and (4) Selected State Online...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Postsecondary Education, Distance Education, Virtual Universities, Educational...
This review examined a study designed to evaluate whether playing number board games improved numeracy skills of low-income preschoolers. The study included 136 pre-school children from 10 urban Head Start centers: 72 children were randomly selected to play a number board game with a trained experimenter; the remaining 64 children played a different version of the game using colors instead of numbers. Numeracy skills were assessed at the end of a two-week period and again nine weeks later....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Play, Educational Games, Numeracy, Improvement, Preschool Children, Low Income,...
"Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment" (TEFA) is an innovative pedagogy for teaching secondary school science or mathematics with "classroom response system" technology. "Teacher Learning of TEFA" (TLT) is a five year research project studying teacher change in the context of an intensive, sustained, on-site professional development (PD) program designed to help in-service teachers learn TEFA. Approximately 39 teachers from three school systems are...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Action Research, Formative Evaluation, Case Studies, Professional Development,...
Preschool programs have long prepared children for early educational success, but investing in high-quality early education also offers promising ways to strengthen the future economic and fiscal position of states and the nation. The Committee for Economic Development (CED) believes that broadening access to preschool programs for all children is a cost-effective investment that will pay future dividends. The CED recommends that (1) communities, states, and the nation should make access to...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Preschool Education, Position Papers, Economic Development, Education Work...
Income volatility challenges the effectiveness of the safety net that USDA food assistance programs provide low-income families. This study examines income volatility among households with children and the implications of volatility for eligibility in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The results show that income volatility was higher for successively lower income groups and that the major determinants of changes in NSLP eligibility were changes in total household hours worked and the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Low Income Groups, Family (Sociological Unit), Family Income, Change, Eligibility,...
The Increased Flexibility Programme for 14 to 16 year olds (IFP) was introduced in 2002. The aim of the programme was to "create enhanced vocational and work-related learning opportunities for 14 to 16 year olds of all abilities who can benefit most", including supporting provision of the GCSEs in vocational subjects. The first cohort of Year 10 students embarked on their programme in 2002 and this was followed by a second cohort in 2003 and subsequent cohorts in the following years....
Topics: ERIC Archive, Qualifications, Young Adults, Vocational Education, Cohort Analysis, Research...
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was given to 264 students in an undergraduate Pharmacy course at a military medical university. Selected MBTI personality types were compared for achievement in the course using a t-test to compare total points earned. High grades were earned by students stronger in the traits of introversion (I) and judgment (J), whereas the extraverted (E) and perceptive (P) types had the lowest grades and dropped out of the course in the largest numbers. When...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Pharmaceutical Education, Undergraduate Students, Teaching Styles, Grades...
Purpose: The study looked into a descriptive research to evaluate the use of educational technology at secondary school level North West Frontier Province (Pakistan). The study has defined the availability, usefulness, problems, emerging trends and status of educational technology. The main focus of the study was the utilization and availability of educational technology. Data was collected through survey and questionnaires. Main objectives of the study were to determine the availability,...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Secondary Schools, Educational Technology, Technology Uses in...
This implementation guide is intended to support the Grade 4 to Grade 6 portion of the Ukrainian Language and Culture Nine-year Program (the program of studies). It was developed primarily for teachers, yet it includes information that may be useful for administrators and other stakeholders in their efforts to plan for and implement the new Ukrainian program of studies. The program of studies provides a discussion of the value of learning a second language and lays out learning outcomes for...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Educational Strategies, Elementary School Curriculum, Second Languages, Program...
An understanding of organisational structure can provide guidance for organisations that want to change and innovate. Many writers agree that this understanding allows organisations to shape how their work is done to ultimately achieve their business goals--and that too often structure is given little consideration in business strategy and development. This fact sheet has been produced by the consortium research program's research activity 4: Cultures and structures. Its aim is to help RTOs...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Organizational Effectiveness, Guidance, Organizational Change, Business, Vocational...
This project extending over three years was based on the premise that a digital divide exists between the technology skill levels of teacher education faculty and K-12 classroom teachers compared to those of undergraduate students. The Technology Mentor Fellowship Program (TMFP) matched technologically-proficient undergraduate students with K-12 teachers to model technology as an instructional tool. A consortium consisting of seven school districts and a university designed an approach for...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Undergraduate Students, Mentors, Elementary Secondary Education, Technology...
John Dewey believed that the education should educate individuals "not as passive recipients of educational content, but as active makers of meaning, capable of exercising independent judgement and of democratic collaboration" (Gregory, 2001, p. 399). With this philosophical viewpoint, the author strongly believes that teachers should engage students in becoming actively involved and responsible for their own learning. One way in which to get students involved in their own learning is...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Higher Education, Active Learning, Technology Uses in Education, Case Studies,...
The purpose of the research is to explore second graders' concept of number development and quantitative reasoning. For this purpose, there were two stages of trials for the children. The first trial was concrete objects. After three months, the children participated in the second trial of half concrete objects. Since understanding the process of solving problems in children is necessary, the researcher observed how children used strategies to discriminate numerosity. After that, the researcher...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Numeracy, Problem Solving, Mathematics Instruction, Hawaiians,...
In like manner as conventional education and teaching approaches distance education tends to model the same procedures. Indeed, formerly enriched on printed material served as a primary source. However, thanks to the developments in technology and evolution in education, computerised information has made inroads in distance education programmes. Moreover the radio and television also are fullfil the need of this particular program. At Anadolu University's Open Education Faculty's TV Production...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Open Education, Distance Education, Employee Attitudes, Educational Television, Work...
Fiscal federalism can be an important complement to structural reforms and budget consolidation. Empowering sub national governments, while at the same time making them accountable to local citizens in the uses of tax money, could improve the allocation of public resources and promote catch up of the lagging regions. Italy has launched itself in the federalist direction by decentralising spending, regulatory and tax powers in the late 1990s and reinforcing growing lower level responsibilities...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Federal State Relationship, Participative Decision Making,...
This paper presents the first results of a project initiated in 2004 by the OECD in collaboration with Eurostat and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, and aimed at developing a regular and internationally comparable production system of indicators on the careers and mobility of doctorate holders. A first data collection was launched in September 2005, from which the results for seven countries are presented here. These data shed light on the main demographic, educational, labour market and...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Graduate Study, Females, Labor Market, Graduates, Natural Sciences, Foreign...
Enhanced autonomy of sub-national governments has spurred innovative management. Spending assignments across levels of government, however, often overlap and/or are not yet fully understood by most citizens. Sub-national governments' accountability is further reduced by the heavy reliance on federal transfers, as opposed to own-revenues (taxes and user fees). In addition, the use of federal transfers as collateral for states' borrowing potentially undermines the role of financial markets in...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Foreign Countries, Public Sector, Educational Finance, Administrative Organization,...
This paper presents cross-section estimates of gross hourly wage premia on tertiary education. They are based on a unified framework for 21 OECD countries from the 1990s to the early 2000s and use international household surveys to maximise international comparability. The results of the "augmented" Mincerian wage equations point to an average hourly gross wage premium on completed tertiary education of 55% in 2001 (country-gender average), translating into a premium of close to 11%...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Wages, Postsecondary Education, Human Capital, Outcomes of Education, Salary Wage...
The purpose of this study was to examine the short and long term effects of a Two-Way bilingual education program on the literacy development of students in K-3 and high school. Two groups included students in English Language Learners (ELL) as well as students who were not ELL. Both groups were instructed in equal 50-50 percent English/Spanish. The academic performance of these students was focus on short-term look at grades K-3 but also follow groups of students through the middle and high...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Bilingual Education, Academic Achievement, Second Language Learning, Bilingualism,...
This study investigates how social networks in service organizations contribute to employee learning. Two specific types of social network seem especially relevant to individual learning: first, the service network, where employees carry out and improve their work, which may lead to learning; and second, the learning network, where employees participate in intentional programs in order to learn. Their experiences acting in both networks can help employees create their own learning paths in the...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Employees, Social Networks, Labor Force Development, Intentional Learning, Work...
As new estimates of state revenues continue to emerge, public officials struggle to understand their implications for public education. The goal of this analysis is to produce rapid projections of the effects on public education of the most recent estimates of declines in state revenues. More specifically, what's sought are both estimates of the degree to which K-12 education spending could be cut under a specified set of assumptions and the corresponding effect on employment. This analysis...
Topics: ERIC Archive, Elementary Secondary Education, Public Education, Unemployment, Expenditures,...